So I have been writing you a bunch about the new media and the changes on the playing field.
I started talking to you about it a long time ago but I unfortunately procrastinated and missed the whole beginning of the trend but now it has become completely apparent that short form video as the entry path for prospects to your business us here to stay.
Tik Tok, Instagram Reels, You Tube shorts and several other venues are taking over the space and learning to use short form video is no longer optional if you want to stay relevant.
That's why I grabbed Ray Higdon's One Minute Influencer course for myself and am recommending that you grab it too.
I am forming a group that wants to master this skill and doing a bit of a challenge for us all to work together and get this skill really rolling.
I'm putting together a Facebook group that wants to see how I attack using short form video extensively in my business without looking juvenile.
In the end of course I want people on my list and on my long form videos and webinars but in order to get them there I need to give them APPETIZERS that allow them to check me out without a huge time commitment.
Facebook engagement is down, video views are down, webinar attendance is down but short form video is EXPLODING.
And I for one am not gonna wait any longer to get on board.
So if you wanna play in my group...go through the course with me and see EXACTLY how I apply what I learn ...
If you want to hear more about it Ray is speaking tonight on Instagram Reels and I believe taking Q and A
He'll be on at 9n pm est
Register HERE
It's time to jump on this NOW before we miss the wave and the playing field becomes too crowded.
So many people are crushing it and I for one intend to be one of them!
How bout you?
If you grab it hit me back with your receipt so I can include you in our group.
I am staring the course myself tomorrow and will be broadcasting my thoughts into the group after each session.
Live reaction in the moment and then I will show you my work.
Come along and as they say on THE GRAM....
Let's Collab!
Diane "The Minute Monster" Hochman
P.S. I haven't talked much about it yet but I will be speaking during Marina Simone's Slay Online Sales Event and attending the main event LIVE in West Palm Beach Florida July 30 and 31.
This is a streamed event but there are VERY LIMITED live seats available.
HUGE opportunity to be in a very small group with the Creme De La Creme of the space.
If you want info hit me back.
I have less than 10 spots.
If you are like me and DYING to see HUMANS and get together with some MAJOR talent this would be a very special opportunity that won't come along again.
Something to SERIOUSLY consider.