The thing I preach about day in and day out has happened to me...
On one of my biggest weeks of my quarter when I most need to be promoting
Facebook has put me in jail.
I can't post in any groups(including my own) or put any links on Facebook.
So imagine if I hadn't built a list or had any other social media platforms to work on...
I'd be dead in the water at a time when I need to be visible the most.
So the first thing I want to impress upon you is that it is CRITICAL to build a list!!!
And with that being said...
Tomorrow night I am doing a whopper of a training on simple lead generation
and list building that you DEFINITELY want to be on.
You can register HERE
And if you want to be a smart kid and help me load the webinar as I am handicapped this week at the same time...
Go HERE and sign up for my lead gen system for $1 so you can hang with me for 30 days.
Once you do that sign up as an affiliate and get yourself a user name so you can promote the webinar too so I can help you help people and maybe you'll even sign someone up and make a nice little commission while you are helping me.
And the best part is that on Thursday I am doing a members only training and taking it to a whole other level.
You'll be stunned at the resources I have for you and how easy list building can be.
If I didn't have a list I would be pooping my pants right now.
But made sure that no person, no program, no platform can stop me from doing what I need to do to keep my income flowing.
Come tomorrow night and learn how you can insure yourself too.
I have watched too many people lose it all.
Don't let that be you.
Register HERE
Sign up for $1 HERE
And bail me out!!!
Facebook jail stinks.
But it doesn't have to cripple you if you don't let it.
Sending love from behind bars!!!