Saturday night and I am still in a bit of a jet lag coma.
It's been so long since I have been on a plane I am happy to be oogy but I am oogy none the less.
Doing some creative and catch up work and I decided to put something on the TV while I worked so I opened up Netflix and found a Dolly Parton tribute.
I just love Dolly. Talk about an ICON.
Did that for a bit and then turned on a Barbara Streisand concert.
I could listen to that woman forever.
I have seen hundreds of concerts but hers was the only one I cried at from start to end.
And now I am on Justin watching a concert I saw live.
And while I am doing busy work for my social media profiles I can't help but contemplate
Art and Creation
We get in to this industry to make money...
And money you can make.
But in time you find that money does not fill your soul.
It just gives you the freedom to pursue your ART.
But what if you began with the ART in mind.
Took me 6 years to figure this out.
Self Expression is the drive of mankind.
I just didn't realize it until my physical needs were met.
Once I met those needs and delved into my ART is when the real money came.
And the REAL money is so much more than you ever imagined because it is money that keeps coming because you FINALLY understand how money is made.
It's not made by the product, it's not made by the program...
It's made by YOU understanding YOU.
And once you do NO ONE can take it away.
I'll never forget being at The Justin Timberlake concert I am watching right now.
At the very end...
When half the people had rushed out to "beat the crowd" Justin came out to say a few words.
It was the very last night of the tour and a very big moment for him.
He knew he was closing in on 40.
Had a wife and small children and he said...
Thank you for being here...
This will be the last time I do this and I want to mark the occasion.
And while 98.6% of the crowd didn't realize what was happening ...
Justin was crossing a line in his life and he was self aware enough to KNOW it.
Sure he'll sing again.
But it will NEVER, EVER be the same.
So he documented the moment.
Just like in this industry when we have hit a pinnacle and seen the other side and we know we will never go back again.
We have created a recurring income and a catalog of content that serves us and now we turn our hearts to our true work.
The work that fulfils.
Like Billy Joel that writes symphonies.
He comes out once a month to perform...
Let's his catalog PAY HIM..
And then he goes home to HIS ART.
That which fills him.
The QUEST drives us....
The ART fills us.
And hey...
You don't need to write symphonies to have art.
Yours may be fishing or a prize petunia garden.
Riding motorcycles cross country or scuba diving.
Your ART is that which gives you BLISS.
So few ever find their bliss.
It's worth working for.
It's worth finding.
Just some Saturday night thoughts.
Not many read this Saturday night musings but I know that YOU DO.
And I am HONORED by that.
Find your bliss.
If I can help you you know where to find me.
At home with Dolly, Babs and Justin.
The music of my life...
I ALWAYS seek inspiration.
That which moves my soul.
Much love,