For many years now I have been teaching on the importance of building a list no matter what kind of marketing you
are doing.
The list is the great equalizer and the insurance policy you need to keep your business flowing no matter what is going on out in the world.
The other thing you really want to consider is adding in AFFILIATE MARKETING.
Affiliate marketing is made up of little money makers that can really add to your bottom line while you are waiting for the serious recurring income to fit in and it can provide you with a bunch of 3 and 4 figure checks that carry you through the dark days when a cash infusion is exactly what you need.
Tonight at 8 pm est I am going to do a casual discussion on WHY affiliate marketing is something you should consider adding in to your mix and if you are already using it we'll look at how to up your revenue with it.
We'll be hanging at 8 est and you can register HERE
From someone that has made millions with Affiliate Marketing...
You want to pay attention to this.
See ya tonight....
Diane "Little Money Maker" Hochman
P.S. Here's one of my favorite offers that only becomes available once a year or so.
I've bought it every time it comes out for years now...
If you create graphics at all or have a blog this is a NO BRAINER!
Check It Out!
And YES...This is an affiliate offer.
I will make a few dollars on it if you get it.
Most people turn up their nose at a few dollars.
Those dollars add up.