I've thought long and hard about this.
Last October I did an Email Sales Writing Workshop.
It was incredibly successful and people learned how to write letters from scratch.
Ever since then people have asked me to do an ADVANCED workshop where we get into some sequences and actual hard core sales letters.
I have waivered around about it for a couple of reasons...
1) I wasn't sure if I wanted to teach ALL my proprietary tactics to people...Especially those that are colleagues at the same organization as me.
2) This will be something I only want serious students in.
A lot of times people sign up for workshops and just watch...
I can not so that with this one.
The content is TOO important.
3) Due to the nature of the content this is something I need to charge more than I do for my entry level workshops.
So I have decided to do this.
If you would like to learn how to write letters that cause your prospects to:
Fall In Love With You
Trust You
Buy From You Time And Time Again
This is what I have come up with:
Email Extravaganza
Advanced Email Strategy For Home Business Owners
The cost for this workshop is $500.
Participants are limited.
Each person who joins this workshop will have me personally work with them to craft an irresistible set of messages that will have their readers salivating and dying to buy.
NO...This is not an easy fix as you have to NURTURE your list to get the kind of results I am talking about but for those that participate results are inevitable.
We begin with a quick review of the components that good emails have and a discussion of whether to use a pre scheduled letter set, broadcasts or a combination.
Then we quickly refresh on the building blocks of good letters.
And then we dive in with LIVE INTERACTIVE sessions where participants take turns becoming the focus of all my attention and marketing skills.
We custom create your narrative and vibe and then dive in to write a couple of letters together before I set you out with the assignment of writing some more for me to review.
As this is going on the other participants will cheer you on, ask questions and learn from your experience.
We round robin and go through all the participants before we conclude with a review and celebration.
This workshop is for the person who is serious about taking their skills to the next level.
This workshop is for the person who is tired of chasing people.
This workshop is for the person who wants a TRUE laptop lifesyle. (Sounds cheesy but it's true)
In order to participate you MUST have an autoresponder set up.
I work with Aweber.
You can use anyone you like but you must know how to use it.
I will not be covering tech to any great extent but of course I'll answer any questions.
The focus here will be COMMUNICATION in the written word with the leverage of an autoresponder BUT...and this is a BIG but...
These ideas can be applied to ANY marketing in any venue forever and ever.
So many people spend all their time learning how to use the newest dohicky.
I spent my time on learning how to use words that persuade and sell.
And NO ONE can take that skill from me.
I'll talk more about this tomorrow but for those of you that KNOW you want a spot you can sign up HERE
Review sessions start Monday and LIVE interactive sessions start Wednesday with several a day where I work with one individual at a time.
Spits are VERY limited due to the time involved in meeting with everyone.
All sessions are recorded and you should attend as many as you possibly can LIVE but I doubt you'll make them all and that's OK.
This is a true DEEP DIVE and one on one opportunity at a fraction of the cost if you were to hire me individually with a cool group environment that will take your learning to a whole other level as most people learn best when watching others versus when they themselves sit with me.
Blockages are BROKEN when we see them though the eyes of others.
Plus the group environment will enable us to write about MANY topics and offers which will help solidify your skills.
A good email writer can write to any audience about anything.
I want to train you to be nimble and to think from the mind of the readers versus your own desire to sell.
I can tell you now...
I won't be doing this again for a while so this is a big opportunity to really hit it hard this year.
It's already going to be 2nd quarter....before you know it summer will be here.
DO NOT let the year slip through your fingers.
Grab your spot HERE
This could truly be life changing for you.
Hit me back with any questions.
I am going fast and probably left lots out.