I am a huge Jim Rohn fan.
Back in the day I got to spend quite a bit of time with him as he was the personal development person at my original m.lm.
Leadership regularly got to sit with Jim over coffee, or dinner or wine.
Heck...I even got to go on vacation with him and heard him lead a Sunday prayer session.
He was quite a man.
If you are not familiar with Jim RUN, don't walk over to You Tube and check him out.
His philosophy will change your business forever.
One of my favorite talks that Jim did was about all the people who are not interested, don't follow through, complain or quit.
People would spent hours on end trying to convince these people who great the business is and tie and time again the people would disappear.
And people including me would wonder WHY???
And Jim would say...
It's a MYSTERY....
I wouldn't sign up for that class.
So when people unsubscribe...
I say...
It's a mystery.
When people join a program with me and then disappear in to that good night I say...
It's a mystery.
When people pay me for consulting and disappear...
I say...
It's a mystery.
It took me forever to learn that you can not convince anyone of anything.
I still catch myself from time and time again doing it still.
It kills me when I see incredible people missing out on being free.
But until they make the decision there is nothing you nor I can do.
Don't sign up for that class.
Instead think what my other most profound mentor used to say,,,,
"I'm looking for people that are looking for me"
That's all I do...
Go out there every day...
Share what I know and find the ones that are READY.
My documentation is as strong as it comes...
Millions in sales and a top affiliate.
And still for some it is not enough.
21 years experience...
And still that's not enough.
demonstrated skill sets in every area of marketing and teaching,,,
And still it's not enough.
I'll never know.
Cause I ain't signing up for that class.
And just like in relationships...
When the right one shows up
Less convincing and more execution will change your career forever.
Try it for a month and see what happens :)
I think you will be pleasantly surprised!
Just some thoughts for you this fine Tuesday.