So this is the countdown to the HUGE announcement mentioned to you last time I wrote.
It all happens TOMORROW.
And normally I would be going wild on social media.
Only one problem.
Before I ever knew this event would be going down I booked myself into an Air BNB for a writing retreat for this week and I PROMISED myself I would get a TON DONE.
So here I am...
Trying to get the word out to you real quick before I get back to my project.
As you know I am not much of a HYPE MONSTER but tomorrow night there will be an announcement that is absolutely HUGE and I want you to hear it.
The webinar is at 8 pm est and you can register HERE
Don't say I told you but they will be talking 67% commissions up to $1200 a pop so if you are profit minded it is 100% worth tuning in to.
I've made some sweet checks with these guys over the years.
I know what they are about to announce will rock the industry so whatever you do...
Remember who's your gal and who's gonna help you score.
(HINT: That's ME!!!)
If by any chance you are already working with me in this program you wanna make sure you are REGISTERED too.
You will want to hear this FIRST HAND.
I promise....
Register NOW
Diane "Hiding In The Woods" Hochman
P.S. The farm I'm staying on has GOATS.
They enjoyed the carrots I fed them very much today.
One of the goats was a glutton and a bully.
I had to slyly feed his little buddies.
I guess I've always liked to "feed" the little guys.
It's in my nature <3