So tonight is my monthly Deep Abyss Mastermind.
I have been doing this sucker for SIX(6) years and it is some really good stuff.
And tonight will be no different as I am giving my best strategies for working a launch...
Specifically a launch that is coming up next where the commissions will be $1200 a pop.
People are excited for these tips and chomping at the bit for my best moves.
I have a stomach bug.
Lets just say I am perfectly fine until I AM NOT FINE.
And when I am not fine I NEED TO RUN.
So I may have to leave the kids to TAWK AMONGST THEMSELVES for a few minutes but I PEPTOed up so lets hope it doesn't come to that!
Sorry to give TMI but hey...
We're family...RIGHT???
We meet at 9 pm est.
If you wanna come with you can sign up HERE
And PUHLEAAAASE...If I do have to step out say NICE THINGS behind my back!
The whole thing is being recorded!
I must go eat some dry cereal before we begin...
Wish me luck!!!
Diane "On The Run " Hochman
Let's see how many unsubscribes on this one!
I SO amuse myself!!!!