Why is it that when I talk about my cat or kids people get all excited but when I talk a bout actually making
money folks get all weird.
I don't do it that often as I save that for my customers and clients but once in a while something to is TOO GOOD not to talk about.
The opportunity is just too great to not push the envelope a little and try to jar people in to action for their own good.
I don't chase people.
I have a ton of ways to work with me at almost every price point all the way up to my Mentor For Life Program.
I offer so many options.
But I don't chase.
I know too much and have made too much money over the last twenty years to every beg anyone to listen to me.
So when you see me really pushing something...
And the reason is not for me...
The reason is FOR YOU.
There are certain times when the deck is stacked in your favor.
There are certain times when taking a look is the smartest thing to do.
There are certain times and circumstances when TRUSTING just makes sense.
Especially when there is little to no risk.
Most people tell you about a big thing when there is something to buy to get you all jacked up and hot and bothered.
I tell you about opportunities BEFORE they happen so you can capitalize and actually make money.
But hey...
Maybe you are one of those people who are very uncomfortable with me talking about money.
Maybe you are just in this game as a hobby and the idea of making money terrifies you.
I get it.
Maybe talking about money even OFFENDS YOU.
If so I am probably not the girl for you.
While my life does not at all rotate around money and in fact the more successful I get the less I desire STUFF at all...
I run a business.
And a business MUST have revenue.
Do you run a business?
Are you satisfied with your revenue?
If not perhaps you want to spend some time with me.
I have been the top affiliate at a major marketing system for MANY YEARS and I know the game.
And right now there is going to be a MAJOR upgrade in the program that will help a lot of people make a lot of revenue.
We have EIGHT DAYS before this change is announced and I am coaching people on how to take advantage for this all week long.
And I am only asking for $1 to be a part of this.
Inside the Facebook group where I am coaching folks I WILL be talking about money A LOT.
I will be talking strategy...
Talking revenue...
Talking recurring income strategy.
One time offers, upsells, annual offers, coaching offers, course offers and all the other ways we have to make money.
If that is too much for you to handle DEFINITELY do not sign up for $1 HERE.
You get my List Leverage Challenge to look at when you have time....
30 days membership in my Marketing System.
You get to hang with me in my Attraction Marketing Odyssey Group to learn all the inner working of what is happening next week with this huge announcement.
And ya...We are talking BIG TICKET GOODNESS.
(Look...she's talking about money again!)
So before I go ...let me say this...
If you are not into making money and just want all my inspirational stuff just avoid my letters for the next week or so because I am going to be RELENTLESS in encouraging you to WALK WITH ME.
Spend one dollar.
Come be with me for a bit and SEE.
What's the worst thing that happens?
You learn some cool marketing stuff and then go on your way?
And just as an aside...
I NEVER promote these dollar get ins.
Generally not worth my time.
But for this particular promotion I want to give as many people a shot as possible so I am breaking my own rules.
I'm gonna treat you like a full member with no risk to you so you can SEE what I am talking about and if it might be somewhere you wanna hang.
I will literally make 30 cents on your purchase.
So who's taking the risk here...
Me or you?
You decide.
And if you decide you want to play you can do that HERE
And then ask to be in the group HERE
Nuff Said
Diane "Money Mama" Hochman
Just saying that makes me laugh but sometimes you have
to OWN that you are the top earner out of over a hundred
thousand affiliates and SAY IT OUT LOUD!