Here I am enjoying the blizzard conditions in Connecticut and thinking about some recent interactions I have had with people out in the marketplace.
Everyone wants to make millions.
Everyone wants to be a start.
But golly gee willikers...
When the time comes to DO THE WORK everyone seems to turn in to a BO PEEP whining about all the reasons WHY they can't.
And then they label me the MEANIE for telling them the truth about their attitude.
We all know that in order to be successful at ANYTHING it takes PRACTICE.
Playing the piano takes PRACTICE.
Hitting a baseball takes PRACTICE.
Roller skating takes PRACTICE.
Heck... being good at ANYTHING takes practice.
So why oh why oh why do people think that they are going to be good at marketing without PRACTICE?
Why do people think they are going to be a good email writer on the first try?
Or how bout learning to build a funnel???
You think we all did it on the first try?
And you won't either.
The minute you accept this is the minute you move towards the business you have been dreaming of.
The longer you resist this fact the longer you will stand still.
Last week I ran the most incredible workshop about talking to people.
I am talking INCREDIBLE.
I showed that groups I have never shown anyone.
The VALUE was off thew charts.
But you know what???
As incredible as it was ...most of the attendees will not reap the benefits.
You know why?
Because although they have the information the bulk of them will not PRACTICE.
I am not slick,
I am not fancy.
I am not a good sales person at all.
I'm just a mom who wanted to make it happen and from the day I signed up in this game...
I have had a zillion NOs.
I have flopped campaign after campaign.
I have been rejected, ridiculed and even cursed out.
And yet each day
How long do you need to practice>
The answer is UNTIL.
Until you get where you want to be.
And then guess what....
The playing field will change and you will need to PRACTICE some more.
It's just the way it is.
It will never change.
And I care about you enough to tell you instead of continually hitting you up for another course about some topic or another.
I don't charge for information.
You can read all the info in a book.
But what you can't do is learn the NUANCE without expert guidance and what you can't do is WIN without PRACTICE.
So I charge for access like in my workshops etc.
And then the rest is up to you.
YOU are the one that determines your destiny.
YOU are the one that makes it happen.
So look in the mirror and SALUTE YOURSELF and soldier on day and in day our UNTIL.
You may be surprised at how soon UNTIL will come if you do.
I could keep rambling but instead I am gonna settle in for a long winters night.
The wind is whipping around my house and quite frankly its pretty darn creepy.
I am hoping to wake up to THE CALM.
But in the mean time I am going to go visit THE CALM in my head and my heart.
Have a good night WARRIOR.
You have this in you.
I know you do.
Don't be a BO PEEP.
You're more than that.