Happy Valentines Day!
I hope you are having a day full of much love...
I am having a day full of a ton of work and I am in my BLISS doing it.
I was asked to make a special training as a bonus to something very special that is coming up next week and the slide deck is done but I am someone who absolutely hates to teach into thin air.
I need people to bring me energy to be at my best so I am inviting YOU to join me as I record it tonight.
Now I know you might have plans with your honey...
And if you do that's ok.
But if you are free and want to hang with me for the unveiling of my
Content Creation Domination training all you have to do is join me in my marketing system for 30 days.
Not only will you get to watch tonight's training but you will also get my List Leverage Challenge thrown in.
And get this...
It's only $1 to come hang out with me for a month in my snazzy Attraction Marketing Odyssey group where you will learn a ton of stuff....get early access to news on a HUGE industry announcement coming next Wednesday and of course have a lot of laughs as you figure out this marketing stuff ONCE AND FOR ALL.
The training tonight will NOT be available on replay and this will be the ONLY place you can get your questions answered on this stuff.
And NO...this is NOT the same as the content workshop I did recently.
Never taught before.
Wanna come?
Then sign up HERE and ask to be in the group HERE
This is VERY valuable stuff.
If you have a date with your baby...
Be with your baby.
But if you are footloose and fancy free tonight I HIGHLY recommend you join me.
This will NOT be repeated and will not be available recorded EXCEPT for as part of a special offering coming up soon.
If you are already in my lead generation system under someone else and you really want to come send me $97 via Facebook Messenger or Pay Pal and I'll get you the link to attend live.
Keep in mind...
There will be NO recording access so this is a ATTEND OR LOSE offer.
The training starts PROMPTLY at 7:30 pm EASTERN.
You MUST be in the Attraction Marketing Odyssey Facebook Group in order to get the link.
I will not be chasing anyone.
No time.
You MUST pay attention and follow directions to come to this LIVE RECORDING.
Blowing Valentine's Kisses At You!
Maybe see you tonight...
Diane "On Fire" Hochman