I've been teaching marketing to home business owners for over 15 years.
I have had thousands and thousands of people go through my camp.
I've taught class after class after class.
I absolutely LOVE doing it.
But I do have one PET PEAVE...
People who "learn" but don't execute and then INSIST THEY KNOW the stuff.
In my book you don't know something until you can demonstrate it.
We live in a sea of broke people who think they are experts.
Now I don't know about you but I learned long ago that the battle is
Ego vs Bank Account
I could hang on to my ego and run around PRETENDING I know or I could decide to get guidance and MASTER a skill so that I can REALLY make money.
Don't get me wrong...
I love everyone that comes through but the ones I have the UTMOST respect for are the ones who STICK UNTIL THEY'VE GOT THE SKILL.
Most skills can be learned in less than 20 hours.
Come on Diane....I wanna learn fast....I need to earn FAST!
I don't have twenty hours.
Always in a rush aren't you.
But if you would SLOW DOWN and master a skill you would never have to pretend again...
Would you?
I know you hate all the pretending and trying to posture and peacock to try and make a buck out there.
Imagine mastering a money making skill so you that stuff would be a thing of the past.
Wouldn't that be worth twenty hours?
Heck ...for some skills its WAY less.
You'd be stunned at what's possible.
I am blathering and I am sure you have stuff to do so I just wanted to remind you that
I have a new group where I am teaching Attraction Marketing skills and YOU are invited.
Whether its all new to you and you want to learn some skills or perhaps you started to learn long ago but never mastered the moves...
I want you in here.
It's literally $1 to come and play with me.
You get my List Leverage Challenge to go through at your leisure.
30 days access to all the tools I use to build my business and of course
you get to hang out with ME.
Let me show you some stuff.
I'll give you all I've got and then you can decide if you want to put in 20 hours to
learn a skill or not.
The way I see it is that you're gonna have to do it sometime if you wanna make it in the space.
Why not do it NOW...
With friends.
And that way you won't have to pretend any more.
They say you need to give value out in the marketplace to get sales.
When you become a PERSON OG+F VALUE you will never have to worry about that again.
How do you become a person of value?
You hang with people that know how to do what you want to learn to do and you PUT IN YOUR HOURS.
I know...
Sounds like a drag.
But it's not when you do it will a crew that's going your way.
So why not sign up HERE for a buck and then ask to be my group HERE
Let's just see if we can't crank you up and show you some new tricks.
If you hate it you can blow out of town before your 30 days is up and I will even give you back your buck.
What have you got to lose except the need to pretend.
Hope to see you in there.
Lots of good stuff coming including an announcement that could make you A LOT of money!
Diane "Fur Realz" Hochman
Saying like it is for 20 plus years now.
Might sting for a minute but the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE
And skills will give you FREEDOM