This is going to be one of THOSE letters that I write once in a blue moon. Read it...don't read it... but it contains important information if you have any interest in making money with me in the new year. No doubt I will publish the info in other ways in the days to come but this is kind of my State Of The Union for those that care to see what's going on with me <3
Wow.... I can not believe tomorrow is the last day of the year...
Yesterday it was March and in 2 days it's January!
I'm gonna make some confessions in this letter and then talk about the future.
If you know me at all you know I had a rough couple of years going through a divorce
and basically having my whole life change.
It was a serious upheaval and I was down for a while doing the bare minimum to keep things going but the bottom line was that I just had nothing to say.
I felt like everything I believed in had changed and all of a sudden everything I had been working for meant NOTHING.
At the time I thought this was the worst thing that could have ever happened to me but a couple of years later I now know it was perhaps the best thing that could have happened.
They say your mess is your message and now I know that is 100% true.
I had just never had a mess before.
I guess we all have one at some point or another....right?
And now I have had mine!
Whew....I used to feel bad that I had such a nice life when people had been homeless and abused and all that kind of stuff and still made it and here I was a middle class mommy who figured out how to sell vitamins and made it.
And then my world flipped upside down.
And the flip made me examine everything that I thought was true.
All the travel...the fancy cars, the expensive toys...
Keeping up with the Joneses...
Trying to be larger than life.
That is what destroyed me...
When my husband left for someone everyone knew I just couldn't show my face.
I was mortified.
We were supposed to be the perfect couple with the perfect life and perfect business and in reality it had collapsed and I was just in deep shock.
During this time I learned a lot.
I learned who was who in my life...
Who really cared about me and who was just interested in making a buck off of me.
Who was just about appearances...who was full of crap when it came to business.
I met someone...It was complicated. And scary AF.
I lost a lot of weight. I gained a lot of weight.
I drank a little too much wine a few times...
I read a lot of spiritual books
I revisited all my old writings and talks and photos.
I cried...I laughed
And most of all I learned a lot about me.
I learned about my best qualities but I also had a long look at my worst qualities.
Nothing ever happens in a vacuum.
We always have responsibility and I had plenty.
So there I was at the end of 2019 and was feeling good...
Ready to go out into the world.
Ready to pursue new goals...
For the first time MY GOALS.
Not for my family but for ME.
My kids are grown and I had no one to take care of but myself.
And then came COVID.
And I gotta tell you...
Covid knocked me on my ass.
No...I didn't have it...I have not been sick...
But emotionally it just got very dark.
No where to go and no people to play with...
Just me, myself and I.
And a period of true self examination, a lot of prayer and thankfully a real opening up of my heart.
Ever since October 4th 1999 when I found out that I could have a home business I wanted to be FRE.E.
And then I wanted to help others be F.REE.
It was never about money and cars and jets for me.
It was about being able to do what I wanted to do with my life based on my terms and values.
And depending on who you are you can do that on $36k a year or millions a year.
You can live a minimalist lifestyle in. Thailand on $1000 a month and that can be freedom
or you can own a 7000 square foot house on property and create your own personal compound.
Obviously that takes me more money.
But the beauty of it is that YOU get to decide what freedom is to you.
And when you let go of all the GREED based messages fed to you every single day all over the internet and come to really know what YOU want...
THAT is when you can begin,
Do you realize that I lost 100 pounds for someone else
I earned millions of dollars for someone else.
I got an $80,000 car for someone else...
Dressed certain ways, walked certain ways, talked certain ways...
All to try to get acknowledgement and what I thought was LOVE.
I tried to keep everyone in the industry happy with me when I didn't agree with certain practices...
I tried to change my unique writing and teaching styles to be like other people.
I put myself through hell..
To figure out that it was all an illusion and in the end I found myself back where I began.
Not caring about any of that and just wanting to be F.REE and teach others to be F.REE.
So from now on there will be no more editing or trying to appease people that would take your money before you can blink.
I am tightening down who I hang with as energy is more valuable than money all day long for me.
I run a Modern Day Mom And Pop.
I am not no longer attached to programs emotionally as I learned that they are not attached to me.
I focus on my audience and customers and providing them with the things THEY want to buy.
I am more concerned with serving my customers than selling any product or program.
There will ALWAYS be products and programs but your income comes from your CUSTOMERS.
I write...I speak and I serve.
When I lay my head on a pillow for the last time I want to know I helped changed lives...
I will not be thinking about how much money I took off some mark who I triggered into a big ticket sale during a "discovery call"
I will be thinking of the people who found more LOVE and more LIFE because I helped them learn how to be free.
I went through TRAUMA.
The world is going through TRAUMA.
I refuse to be a part of anything that brings MORE TRAUMA to people.
I will have offerings for people at every level and have income options for everyone but I am changing up how I work with actual clients.
I don't want people who are not ready to work as clients just because I can make some money.
I don't want people who are GURU JUMPING as clients.
I will not chase mentees to do their work or set appointments with me,
That is THEIR responsibility.
But what I am doing from now on is starting my Mentor For Life program.
Basically when a person engages me as a student if they complete a year with me then they get MENTORSHIP FOR LIFE and they will NEVER pay another dime to come to any of my classes or events again.
I am not looking for how many people I can charge.
I am looking for how many people I can help.
I am looking to see how many people I can take to a whole notha level.
How many people I can get to build a list .
Having a list will change your life FOREVER.
My list saved me while I was down.
It saved me during a brutal couple of years of immense pain.
My list effortlessly makes me money on demand.
And that's not hype.
That's just THE TRUTH.
I am basically looking for people who want to commit to learning this stuff and then I will work with them FOREVER.
(I know you think I am kidding but I am NOT)
I'm not your upline...
I am not a coach...
I am not your guru...
I just know how to do this.
And I have no desire in trying to convince anyone.
Got no money?
Catch the free stuff.
I will be publishing A LOT.
Got a little money?
Come to my workshops.
They are incredibly reasonable.
Just did one yesterday.
Enjoyed working with these folks SO MUCH.
Love how I effortlessly sell and want to learn?
Dead serious and understand it's an investment to get this type of guidance but that once you invest you get access FOREVER?
Then ask me.
I will be intaking no more than 4 people a month so it is very limited.
I want to do something meaningful this year and going forward.
I want to be open and transparent and loving.
I want to lay hands on people.
The games are SO last decade.
Aren't you tired of it all yet?
Or is it just me because of all I went though?
Illusions and fantasy are not a game I want to play in.
Real people, real business, real income.
Real writing and speaking and selling.
Will I use affiliate programs?
Network marketing programs....
Maybe...But I won't get into the silly cult nature of any of it.
Ecommerce options?
Creating info products...
You name it...I'll use it if my audience wants it.
What I won't be in to is manipulation, guilt, shame or greed.
Who knows...
Maybe I'll lose my whole audience and end up mopping floors...
I've done it before I can do it again.
But maybe...Just maybe,,,
People are ready for change.
If that's you...
More about the Mentor For Life Program coming tomorrow.
But if you feel like I feel...
Whether you are interesting in the Mentor For Life program or not
Am I the only one feeling a new wind blowing out there?
Or can you feel it too?
Times are changing...
I'm changing.
Are you changing?
if so I wanna hang with you and others like us.
Time to rest now....
This letter took a lot to write but I feel much better for having written it.
See you tomorrow for the last time in 2020