I have been around for over TWENTY years and I have to say it's been incredibly comical watching people trying to
make money while avoiding doing the things that they NEED to do in order to be successful.
And of course every guru out there is selling a course, software app or hack that tells people that they don't have to do the things so not only do folks end up without any success but they have a hefty credit card bill.
I'm here to tell you that
You Can Run But You Can't Hide
Sooner or later you are going to have to learn a few critical skills if you want to make it.
But what I will tell you is that you can learn to do things in a way that you can feel comfortable with.
When I started out in the industry I was working with a bunch of people who accosted everyone who they came in contact with.
They bugged every cab driver, waitress and hotel front desk clerk.
One guy I know didn't tip waitresses and instead left them with his MLM presentation video with a note that said... Greatest Tip You will ever receive.
Can you imagine???
Look...I love enthusiasm but SERIOUSLY???
So let me be the one to give you the HARD, HONEST, TRUTH...
You MUST learn how to talk to people.
It's a critical skill.
But here's the really good news.
You DO NOT need to pester anyone or even pitch them upon meeting like so many will teach you.
There's a way to talk to people so that they fall in love with you and want to follow you right back to where ever it is that you make your sales.
And if you do it right they will never even feel like you tired to sell them at all.
They will WANT to buy.
And that is exactly what I am teaching about in the workshop I am doing next week on
How To Talk To People
My special proprietary method to sell all day without having to bother a soul.
Is there work involved?
Will you actually have to learn to communicate with humans?
Will you have to buy anyone...
All you have to do is watch me to know I just don't believe in it.
And I will be teaching you EXACTLY what I do.
But there is one catch,
Because we will be working LIVE on real humans I CAN NOT record the sessions.
We will have one introductory class that will be recorded and then NINE(9) live work sessions that you can choose from to learn the process in real time.
Come to one...Come to all.
I have numerous time zones covered.
We begin Sunday night at 7 and do 2 live sessions a day Monday to Thursday and a closing session on Friday before I set you free to go forth and prosper having FINALLY conquered the fear or talking to peeps.
Like I said...
You can run but you can't hide.
If you want to make it you are going to need to learn this sooner or later...
And I am offering you a DOJO where you can spar and learn and excel at this skill.
Best part?
It's only $197.
That's right....
Each one worth way more than that.
If you learned how to close one sale it would be worth the price all day long.
So if you are ready to STAND and not RUN....
Sign up HERE.
Then hit me back and let me know and I will put you in the group.
This process is SUPER fun and it takes all the stress out of it.
If I seen like I am having a ball...
It's because
No trolling...
No plotting....
No soliciting....
Just LOVING ON FOLKS all day long!
When I figured this out my world tilted in a moment.
I had no one to teach me....
I just had to decode it.
And now I am giving the code to YOU.
I'm pajama'd up all ready.
Long day so I am gonna sign off.
Have a good night.
Your Big Sis In The Biz Who Shows you DA MOVES!