You look like a sharp individual...
Do you keep your income options open???
Those were the days when you could run around the mall...
Say that line to a dozen people and come home with 5 phone numbers that you could call to invite them to the Saturday meeting.
It was simpler then and yet SO many people struggled with those lines no matter how "duplicatable" they were.
I was one of them.
Now take the same line....
Teach it to ten thousand people at an event and set them all lose on social media and watch what happens...
Reams of people pissed off by the hoards of script wielding prospectors rolling into their DMs.
There has to be a better
Well there is.
I discovered it many moons ago and never looked back.
The secret is that I don't prospect.
I know..I know...
All the top dogs say you have to.
And yet I have recruited THOUSANDS of people the top affiliate out of over 100,000 and have done millions in sales...
ALL without pestering a soul.
I talk to people all day every day about business and yet never need to ask anyone to buy and I certainly don't need to convince anyone of anything,
I gave that up for my health back in 2002!
I learned how to communicate well and I learned how to get them to come to me to ask questions and BUY.
After asking my list and my social base if they have any interest in learning how I do this I have decided to offer a workshop on Talking To People.
I'm super excited to share what I do with any interested party but there's only ONE PROBLEM...
Since we will be talking to people in REAL TIME I can not record the sessions.
If you want THEORY on how to talk to people I can send you to a million places.
But me...I gotta teach THE REAL DEAL and let you see what REALLY happens when one uses these techniques.
And what's super cool is that we will be doing this via student profiles...Not mine so that no one can say....It's easy for you Diane because you've been doing this for a long time but it's hard for me.
The truth is this is EASY FOR EVERYONE when you don't have to sell and convince people.
It's EASY FOR EVERYONE when you are focused on the person you are talking to and NOT ON YOURSELF!
Saying the right thing is easy when you know where to look for EXACTLY what to say!
So if you would like to learn about that...This workshop is for YOU.
I will do SEVERAL sessions.
The first one will be recorded as I explain concepts.
The rest will not be recorded out of respect for the people we will be learning on.
There will be choices for the sessions you attend so you don't need to worry about time zones as i will strive to cover them all and you can attend as many sessions as you would like...
All inclusive in the $197 cost of being a part of the group.
I will also be available in a private Facebook group for questions and for you to post conversations for me to help you with.
This will be a VERY interactive workshop where I will be helping YOU have conversations so plan on being on camera, on mic and ready to show your screen.
Do you have to be interactive for every session if you attend several...
It's ok if you can not play along all of the sessions and can only listen for some but you want to be sure to interact during AT LEAST ONE to get the most value out of this workship.
The only way you get good at talking to people is to talk to people!
In this case on social media but you can use these skills ANYWHERE for the rest of your life to get people to pay attention to you and want to be around you.
I use this to get flight upgrades, hotel upgrades, discounts in stores, inside info and all kinds of other things in real life aside from recruiting.
This is an incredibly valuable skill that you can learn for an incredibly reasonable price!
The initial recorded session will be Sunday January 24th at 7 pm est and then we will go all week with LIVE interactive sessions that will NOT be recorded.
Monday the 25th at noon eastern and 6 pm est
Tuesday January 26th at 3 pm est and 8 pm est
Wednesday January 27th at noon est and 6 pm est
Thursday January 28th at 3pm est and 8 pm est
Friday January 29th at 3 pm est
That's a choice of TEN(10) sessions total for $197.
Come to as many as you can make.
The more you make the more you will learn.
And warning...
My process is not the standard stuff.
Expect it to be different.
Expect it to challenge your paradigm.
If what you have learned so far is working for you then you are all set.
If you are looking for something different...
I'm your gal!
So go sign up HERE and then let me know you did so I can let you in to the group.
I am super excited about this workshop.
This is THE CORE.
This is the foundation of everything you will ever build.
Learn it now or suffer longer!
I really hope you decide on NOW.
No more jive talking for you!
It's time to become ATTRACTIVE!
Your Attractive Gal Pal and Tawking To People Guide
P.S. If you have not given me your mailing address please enter your info HERE so I can send you LOVE NOTES!
Been sending out some fun things lately and I don't want you to miss out!