I admit it.
I sucked at talking to people back in the day.
I was as awkward as they come and I struggled to get anyone into a conversation let alone get them into a business presentation.
That was UNTIL I found a new way that made talking to people a cake walk.
And since then I have done millions in sales using this technique.
I brought up the idea of doing a workshop in how I do it on Facebook and I got a strong response.
So I wanted to toss it out to you to see what you think...
Is Talking To People And Getting Them In Front Of Offers something you need to work on?
Would you like to participate in a workshop on this topic?
Reasonable of course...
I don't believe in over charging as you know.
There's only one caveat...
Because of the nature of what I would be teaching and the fact that we would be LIVE HUMANS as there is no other way to actually learn this stuff...
All live interaction portions of the workshop can NOT be recorded.
Yes...we can record the explanations but not the actual interaction as people do not like being shown in training videos without their permission...
Know what I mean?
So this is one that you would have to attend live.
Happy to do multiple sessions but you can't just watch the recording later....
You would need to show up.
Let me know your thoughts.
Is this an area you need help with?
Would coaching on how to talk to people in REAL TIME be helpful?
Would you like to learn my techniques?
I'm down to do this if we have a quorum.
I need at least TEN students per session to make it work,
And if I do several sessions you would be welcome to attend ALL OF THEM if you want the extra practice.
So hit me back and let me know if you are interested and if so what time of day would be best.
Weekday or weekend etc so we can find some times that work.
If you follow what I teach you this could change your business forever like it did mine.
It's a pretty smooth move if I so say so myself :)
Just connecting and sorting to see who is a fit .
Ya just gotta know how to do it.
I'd like to show you how.
I have a cold coming on so I am gonna get myself in to bed.
Have a great night and let me know!
Diane the Sniffle Head