People toss the word mentor around so easily.
But have you ever really had a mentor?
Most don't even know what it is.
So when I talk about my Mentor For Life Program people at times just think its the same as all those other big ticket asks going on out there.
And I have to tell you...
Here's the definition of MENTOR:
an experienced and trusted adviser
It's hard to trust someone when they are always trying to sell you more stuff..
Ever buy something and then find out there's more and more and more to buy?
You spend a grand or $2500 and then get told about the 12 grand mastermind or the
Without your knowledge you were participating in a funnel of GRAND PROPORTIONS.
They were testing you to see how much you would fork over and how far you would go.
And then there's me.
Yesterday I shared the straight forward no games cost of having me as a MENTOR FOR LIFE.
Yes...I said FOR LIFE.
No hidden games....No back end.
Just a straight forward FAIR amount to be able to use and leverage my knowledge and have access to me.
Ive been told many times that I need to create a fancy funnel and do all this tricky stuff to get people's money.
But I just don't vibe that way.
And if someone wants to get tricked they are probably not the student for me.
I am not looking for "Marks"
I am looking for proteges.
People who want genuine guidance.
People who will actually use my expertise to help them build their own business.
And ya...
I dont focus on all the sexy flavor of the week stuff to get you to buy.
I focus on PRINCIPLES.
The ones that will see you through a life time of profit.
The ones that NEVER change.
You know....the stuff most people don't want to buy.
Because they are looking for instant, done for you baloney that never yields.
And that's ok.
People will always peddle that stuff and people will always buy that stuff.
But I am not that person and chances are you have been on the merry go round long enough.
What you need is GUIDANCE...
Guidance over TIME.
Not a weekend...not 6 sessions but TIME.
What you need is STRUCTURE..
Not someone with their hand in your pocket trying to upgrade you at every turn.
And most of all ...
Someone who is not gonna disappear on you.
I cant tell you how many times I have seen some "guru" slide in...
Take ten grand off a bunch of people and then completely disappear.
And then the people come and cry to me.
MAMA....the mean man took my money.
MAMA...The mean man told me all the things he was gonna do for me ...
And then he was GONE.
Yes little one...
That's what they do.
Why do you keep going back to that type?
"Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun
But mama, that's where the fun is"
Those lyrics say it best.
Know what???
I have done millions and millions and millions in sales in my career.
But at heart I have ALWAYS been a teacher...not a sales guy,
My degree is in education and my heart is in showing people how it's done.
And this year I am looking for a handful of people that want to learn and who want to stick with a mentor for YEARS like I did with mine
That's how I got so good you know...
One teacher.
One sensei.
One master.
A person who was committed to sowing in to me.
Have you ever had that?
A person who TRULY wanted to show you the way.
Probably not.
Because what most people think of as a mentor is just really a guy trying to get you to perform for HIS benefit....
So I'll leave it at that
If you have not reached out about the Mentor For Life Program...
It could change your life.
I have payment options for everyone
The more you commit up front the cheaper it is but even on the longest pay plan its still a steal,
And just in case you are wondering..
Is this for real?
I have only done this once before...way back around 2011 or 2012 and two of my gals from back then just asked to be in my Quick Content Creation Workshop going on right now and of course it was F R E E for them,
When I say life time all access....I mean lifetime all access.
If you missed yesterdays letter with all the details ask me for it and I will shoot it over
This is THE DEAL.
And I want you to join the ranks of my students that have gone on to make six and even seven figures.
Or hey...
Go sign up for some coaching with a person who has never done it because the funnel and presentation was pretty.
But remember....
I can't help you when you do.
P.S. Not looking for a mentor but just want to attend some super reasonably priced workshops to learn specific skills???
Cause i have a ton of that coming too!
Last session of the Quick Content Creation Workshop is tomorrow and then I will announce what's up next.
You're gonna like it.
And of course Mentor For Life participants get it for f.ree!