Have you figured out that right now the game on social media is to create
MASSIVE amounts of content and deploy it all across multiple platforms?
For most people creating one piece of content a day is totally overwhelming
so how the heck are you supposed to publish hundreds of pieces a week?
There are a few tricks to it.
First is to take A LOT of pictures on a daily basis.
Think less and snap more.
Take pictures throughout the day of you and all the things you are doing.
Don't judge....just take pictures.
You can go through them later but by taking pictures regularly you
have them handy when its time to create content.
Next...You MUST keep a content idea list or notebook so that whenever
you have an idea so you have a big, fat list of options when it's time to create.
And last you need to set aside time and basically create a production line
so you can pump out stuff FAST.
Tonight I did over 100 graphic and story posts in about an hour and a half.
I use two pieces of software to pump them out on my lap top and then I store them
on my phone so I can post on demand.
Another day this week I will record a ton of short video clips and also take clips out of
my longer Facebook lives using another software and pump out a ton of tik toks,
stories and reels.
All in an hour or two
Its no where near as difficult as most people think and it puts your name and
face all over the net getting you leads and inquiries all day long.
And hey....
You don't need to learn to do this if you don't want...
But then you are left needing to prospect all day long to get a few sales.
I'd prefer a few hours of making content a week and attracting people to me
versus chasing after people and trying to convince.
That's always been my vibe...
Bring em to me ...
Give em info and let them close themselves.
It's a magical process.
If you have interest in learning how to do this process let me know.
Thinking about squeezing in a workshop on this before Christmas if there's enough interest.
Imagine how things could change if you learned how to pump content like nobodies business!
Imagine if your name and face was everywhere pulling people to you.
Imagine if you were positioned like a pro...
It could change everything.
Yes...it takes some work
But it's a whole lot more fun that what most people are gonna teach you
At least in my opinion :)
Time to wrap it up for the night.
I feel pretty darn good.
So many great messages going out to the marketplace.
And now I get to see what comes back
Have a great night and I'll see you in the am.
And hey...
If you are not on my snail mail list please sign up HERE so I can send you goodies.