2020 has been a year of massive growth for me.
Not being able to travel has changed my perspective on a lot of things.
Plus the election and covid drama online has kept me quiet and focused
on my own personal and spiritual expansion.
I've unfollowed and deleted many and focused in on building my own skills.
I am SO very thankful for the path I have come down and all the people who have
sown into me over the years.
I am thankful for the opportunities I've had and of course for all the income I have made.
I have changed.
And some of the things that seemed so amazing in the past are somehow just not that
appealing to me any more.
This is a natural evolution I suppose.
I've always considered myself a 'marketing artist".
And as an artist we must find new ground to conquer...
New words to write...
New things to say.
And somehow this year watching the same marketing silliness just bores me.
I think I have been bored with it for some time but with all the sparkly stuff surrounding
it ...everything looked so pretty.
Take away the sparkles and not so much.
So I am changing things up and looking to work with people who know that
talking about "more leads and signups" all day long is not their destiny.
I will be working with people that TRULY want to learn to write and learn the
LAWS OF INFLUENCE that allow them to escape all the games.
People are in enough pain.
They don't need free coaching sessions that are really sales pitches and challenge
after challenge so they can feel like they accomplished something when they have still
not made a dime.
I know that saying this will burst some people's bubbles...
But perhaps those people were never my audience in the first place.
I am not here to make money off of "marks" who are looking to drop a dime to
fell better about themselves.
I give that kind of stuff away for free
You do not need to pay to be loved by me.
Hang out...
Have fun.
Join me on Tik Tok and YouTube and my blog.
Check me out on Instagram too.
And catch me live when you can.
It's all my gift to you.
And when you TRULY decide that you want to learn what I know...
I will be here.
Offering masterminds, classes, one on ones, something new that I can not mention yet
and what I am calling my Mentor For Life Program.
I am 53 years old.
I have something to say and this is the decade to say it.
If I'm closing in on retirement age and I intend to impact SO many people who
want to be free before I am done.
And for a while it may appear that I am contracting.
But trust me...
I hope you are too.
Because the winds they are a blowing.
The marketing place and people's sensibilities are changing.
It's time for us to change too.
I see the signs everywhere.
And like I said...
I am SO very thankful for all I have gotten to do and the people I have loved
in the space...
But it's time to move forward,,,
And there's no looking back.
Love you tons...
And I hope to have you stay close.