Mail to your mail box is NOT dead.
In fact...It can be the very thing that differentiates you from your competitor.
So when this program decided to turn into an affiliate program I jumped on it.
Before it sorta had a multi level plan which was a conflict of sorts.
Now it is just pure juice and an extra revenue stream for helping people
learn how to put smiles on their prospects and teams face with cards and gifts
delivered directly to them.
And get this...
Your membership include 50 new cards a month!
Banner Season becomes Mailbox Power in January and I want to give you a
heads up NOW so you can take advantage of sending your free cards for Christmas
or New Years and then enjoy a great affiliate program for 2020
All you need to do is GO HERE and sign up as a Gold Member.
Use your cards for November and December and then get ready for some
cool ideas on how to use this for your business in 2021.
You earn on all memberships and all additional purchases your referrals make.
Super easy, super fun...and I am gonna have the CEO come out and meet
with everyone I refer so you can see the business power of this tool.
Refer 3 people and you are covered and everything is fre.e for you.
Best black Friday announcement I have seen so far!
Try it for a month and send your peeps a holiday card and see how it works.
You'll like it.
If you have questions shout.
I am on the road today but I will see you reply.
I'll wish you happy Thankgiving later but in case you don't see me next message.
May you have a very blessed Thanksgiving.
It's not the kind we are used to but perhaps that is so we can remember all that is PRECIOUS.
Much love,