I hope you had a beautiful couple of days.
Mine were quiet but very nice but of course now I am back to work.
My business is my lifestyle so I am always working on something or other.
I was even making Christmas graphics on Christmas eve while I was watching Christmas shows on YouTube.
I guess it's just a habit that I don't want to break.
I fit work in to the nooks and crannies of my days and find ways to be productive while enjoying the things I love.
In this case it was old Christmas TV specials from the 60s, 70s, and 80s.
And right now as I type this letter I am watching a Carpenters concert from 1976!
I was 8 years old then.
The music soothes me....
You know?
Plus I am working on my new Mac so I need to keep my cool as I figure things out.
So far so good.
I have no idea what I was thinking when I offered a discount on my Quick Content Creation workshop and put the discount deadline at midnight on Christmas.
It's my firm policy to not write any business emails on those days so it's not like I was gonna send you a bunch of emails urging you to buy!
So lets do this....
Im gonna move the deadline to be a part of the workshop to Monday the 28th at midnight as the next live session is on the 29th.
This workshop teaches you how to create up to 100 pieces of content in an hour or two.
Most often I do it while I am watching TV believe it or not.
Netflix and earn is my motto!
$147 with the discount.
There's one recorded session in the group now...
I am doing one Tuesday at 3 pm est and another on January 4th at 6 est.
And Hey...
if we have a good group I probably could have my arm twisted to throw in one more.
Learning this skill is the difference between being obscure and being KNOWN.
When you are known you make sales.
Let's face it,,, the average home business owner is posting once or twice a day on Facebook and praying it brings business.
I personally post 14 places several. time a day.
Who do you think is gonna win at this game?
The winner will be YOU when you learn to create content on demand.
Your content will bring them to your offers and your offers will sell for you.
Need I say more?
Sign up
If you are part time you MUST learn to be everywhere and appear like a pro while you are building up your audience.
If you look like an amateur you are gonna struggle.
This is one of the most powerful things you can do to get people to see you as a PRO.
I'd love to help you learn it.
This is the only tine I will be teaching this for long time as I am turning my focus to some serious writing and video work come January....Hence the new Macs!
I just spent over $4k on new equipment so as you might guess....
I ain't fooling around!
I'd definitely take this workshop NOW.
Excited to work with folks on Monday.
And yes...EVERYTHING Is recorded and YES...There will be bonus goodies <3
I'm off.
Gotta do some stuff before I relax with some more holiday favorites.
Have a wonderful weekend