Hey Hey...
So if you know me at all you know I am a techno dweeb but a damn good marketer!
I wanted to do a workshop and show you how I pop out hundreds of pieces of content in a few hours but 'set up the billing portal because I am a moron...
But I am doing it now and will be able to offer this shortly but in the mean time I have some things you wanna work on if you would like to participate in the workshop.
Now more than ever cross channel marketing is critical.
If you are not seen EVERYWHERE you might as well be NO WHERE.
But how the heck are you supposed to be EVERYWHERE???
That is the big question.
And I have the answer!
And you'll be stunned at how simple it is!
So here's the scoop....
I am going to do this workshop several times for one price and this way you can attend the one that best fits your schedule or ALL of them.
They will ALL be recorded and I will be "doing what I do" live in front of you in each session creating literally hundreds of pieces of content to use in the weeks to come right in front of your eyes.
This is NOT a course.
It's not theory.
You will be with me as I do my ACTUAL work.
You'll get to watch...
Ask questions and work along side me
The dates for these workshops are
December 20 at 6 pm est
December 29 at 3 pm est
January 4th 6 pm est
Link to sign up coming tomorrow but in the mean time here are some things
you want to start doing...
1) Take a TON of pictures.
I mean a ton.
Pics of you, pics of stuff you see, Pics of food, pics of fun things.
Take pictures.
Delete the bad ones and have the rest ready.
You need SEVERAL of yourself so be prepared.
Head shots mostly but you can mix it up.
Don't think...Just take pictures.
2) Get a notebook and start writing down phrases and quotes you like.
They can be yours, they can be from other people (remember your source)
You want to have at least 25 ready
These are SHORT phrases and quotes...
Not books.
Again...don't think...just write em down.
When you sign up I will be giving you 3 pieces of software to check out.
These are the exact ones I use and they have free trials for you to see if you like them.
If you have other thing you like better...cool...
But I will be demoing on these tools so I can GO FAST.
3) The last thing you need is a full length piece of video content like a Facebook live or any video you want to record.
You will need that on your device and ready to roll.
Not on Facebook.
I will show you how to rip video from the net if you need help with that so don't worry.
70% of the work will be done on a COMPUTER.
If you don't have one...DO NOT SIGN UP for this workshop.
30% will be done on your phone.
You need a decent smart phone.
Nothing fancy but something that is not ten years old!
So there you go.
3 sessions.
Come to as many as you can.
All recorded.
Real time ACTUAL content creation....NOT THEORY.
Info on where I place all this after we create it.
Imagine being EVERYWHERE in 2021 attracting leads and customers!
All for $197
So get hopping and I will get that link up and running so we can rock this dealio!
THIS and several other tricks I will be showing in January can set you up to really dominate in 2021.
If you are posting on 1 or 2 platforms once or twice a day you just aint gonna make it.
Not being negative...
Just telling THE TRUTH.
Let me help you learn how to streamline this process and BE EVERYWHERE!