We all start out as babies in the biz.
Not knowing what to do or how to be.
We listen to the "successful people" and we do as we are told.
Or at least I did.
And then we get results or we don't.
And at that point for most...
The search begins.
We look around and see that the people who are doing what we want to do are not doing what we are being told to do.
We start buying books, and then courses and perhaps even coaching because we are SEARCHING.
Searching for a way to do our business that "feels right"
Feels like US.
Reflects who we are...
Cause let's face it...
If you are reading this you are not like the rest.
You are not a spamming, slamming, agenda filled person
You TRULY want to help people.
I know I did and do
And hence...
The Evolutionary Process Of Your Business unravels revealing a journey you probably never expected to take.
You just wanted to make a few bucks...
Me too.
But somehow making a few bucks wasn't satisfying my soul.
And DELVED into what seemed to be an never ending tunnel of information.
Until one day in 2005 I met a guy who over the course of a year gave me CLARITY.
And well...
The rest is history.
If you have been experiencing that restless search down the deep pothole of home business information and training...YOU ARE ONE OF THE SEEKERS.
Because the masses just dabble and go on their way....
You are still looking.
Not 'the way" but YOUR WAY.
I promise you...
It exists.
At least mine did.
And ya....
MY WAY was not what they told me to do.
In fact....they got mad at me when I did it MY WAY.
Shunned me....
Called me a fool.
And yet so many of those people are doing the very thing I was doing then now.
Only took them 15 years to see what I saw!
Today I once again am on another journey....
The old "my way" isn't MY WAY anymore.
Doesn't feel natural.
Doesn't feel right.
I've changed.
And change is good.
At least when you come to terms with it that is!
And so I am revamping and rewording and relaxing
(yes I said relaxing) in to my NEW WAY.
Cause evolution never stops.
You learned that in school right?
So why would it be any different for you?
See your value and share it with the world.
And once you learn to do that no one will ever have to tell you what to do again.
And that my friend is FREEDOM which is what you have been searching for ALL ALONG.
Now click your heels together three times and get to work!
The journey is hard but once you get to your first stop along the way the view is MAGNIFICENT.
But let me give you a short cut so you don't have to wait as long as I did to see it.
Go in the bathroom and turn the light on and LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
THAT is the path.
YOU are the path.
Not a guru
Not a coach
Not a mentor
But YOU.
Study hard.
Gain wisdom from those that walked before and then look in the mirror and TRUST the person you see and the rest will appear often in ways you never imagined.
And hey...
I Iike you kid.
You've got potential.
Now go out there and show me what you've got!
Make me proud!
And in doing so make YOURSELF proud.
You got this!
Punch in the arm.....
P.S. I have a great response to the other day's mention of doing a workshop on how I mass create content at warp speed so I think I am gonna do it.
I am thinking three sessions.
Each one the same content but different pieces produced so you can see how I think when approaching this task.
I often sit down and create several weeks worth of content pieces in a few hours while watching Netflix believe it or not.
But there is a process to it that you just have to see.
For one price you can attend all three or just catch one.
I will do them at different times of the day so everyone can be on at least one live.
Learning this will save you so much time and aggravation and put you and your message EVERYWHERE!
Let me know if this turns you on and I will go ahead and schedule it
I just want to make sure I have enough people to make it worth wild.
I'll even throw in a Facebook group where we can discuss and share the pieces we create and get tweeks and ideas.
And it will all happen before the year is out.
How's that for a way to enter 2021 with a bang????
Let me know if you wanna play.
And remember...
This is a WORKSHOP...not a class.
You work with me...
Talk with me.
Laugh with me
And most of all
Learn with me.
Which in my opinion is how it should be.
You ain't gonna learn by sitting alone in the dark watching a video
Ain't gonna happen.
HANDS ON is where its at baby!
So let me lay my hands on you!
(And yes...there may be tickling involved!)
(Fair Warning!)