I just got back from a two week hibernation period.
A lot of self examination...
And quiet time.
Thinking about the message I have on my heart and frankly convincing myself that NOW is the time to share it with the world.
Just like so many others...
I get scared.
I have been doing this for 21 years but when it's time to introduce what some people will see as change I still fear rejection even though I know I am sharing TRUTH.
Just like in 2005 when I told people social media was coming and I was vilified by the old guard.
When I first discovered these marketing ideas after 2 years of chasing people I found MY ANSWER.
When social media came I went to the moon.
And the rest is history.
And now more than ever understanding these concepts is critical.
So I am out sharing the ideas starting tomorrow for 21 days in an Attraction Marketing Deep Dive.
And ya...
I have taught stuff like this before but always in conjunction with a company so I had to EDIT what I was saying to keep things cool.
But this time around it's Attraction Marketing UNCENSORED.
Hard core....
Like I was taught.
By the guy who created it all.
Whether you are in an MLM, affiliate marketing, or anything else that requires you to prospect....
But don't even consider it if you don't want THRE TRUTH about how it is done.
Not a dumbed down baby version designed for those that are seeking someone else to motivate them.
The non motivated need not apply.
But if you are dead serious about a big 2021 this is YOUR TIME.
A workshop with hands on help from a top earner who actually wants to teach you this for a fraction of what everyone else is trying to charge you.
I don't want your money...
I want your mind.
I want your energy
I want your effort.
And THEN if you feel I help you you can get with me one on one.
But not until you see what it's like to learn from me.
I am not for most folks.
But if you are the right person I can tilt your world in a few weeks.
I have done it time and time again.
Blown someone's mind wide open to the possibilities of having your prospects come to you.
The first video of the workshop drops tomorrow.
But I don't start working live with the group until next week so you still have time if
this sounds exciting to you.
All you need to do to play along join my lead gen system and STAY for for a month.
Once you understand the concepts you can use any tools you like ..
These or anything else out in the marketplace.
But for 21 days I will be teaching from these.
I'm giving you a link to test drive the system for 10 days and you must renew one time to stay in the workshop.
We're talking $150 to learn skills that will pay you forever.
Like the system and me?
Stick around and I will help you with your marketing.
Have something else you like to use better...
Cancel after 30 days and go DO YO THANG!
Already a member?
No problem...
Hit reply and I will tell you how you can participate.
So that's what I am up to for November.
My last 2 workshops have been incredible successes with people raving.
So much so a bunch of people are coming back for more!
They can't get enough of my marketing tips that attract people right too them.
Isn't it TIME?
I know it's mine.
Time to SPEAK new truths for the new decade.
2020 was a cluster "BLANK"
So as far as I'm concerned we're just getting started.
It's gonna be a heck of a ride!
After two weeks of hibernation...
I'm not scared any more.
How bout you?
If you're not either....
Let's Roll!