Have you ever thought OMG....
How am I supposed to know what to do when everyone is saying something completely different?
This guru says one thing...
The other guru says something different...
My upline says not to listen to anyone but him.
I hear this every day.
People come to me in tears not knowing which way to turn...
I get a student who comes to me for training but they don't listen because they have heard so
many other things that their head is still spinning causing them not to be able to follow simple directions.
So let me ask you..
Can you tell me what business model YOU are using?
If not...well...
It's your lucky day!
Remember I told you that I have a gift for you?
Well here it is.
A hidden recording I did a while back that has been locked up in the vault.
It describes various business models and helps you identify which one you're using and perhaps which one you would be better suited to you.
You can check that out HERE
And remember...although I am sending you to my YOUTUBE channel...
This video is HIDDEN so no one can find it but YOU :)
While you're there, why not subscribe and click the bell so you get notified when I have new content for you.
That channel is CHOCK FULL of goodies.
A lot of it public....
Some of it locked away...
But all of it GOLD
Please USE IT.
I made those videos for YOU!
Enjoy ...
And why not hit me back and tell me what marketing model YOU are using.
I'd love to know and support you in any way I can.
Soul Hugs...
The Key Master Who Can Open The VAULT At Will