And Yup...the KING thanked ME for mentorship.
For years he has called me up and asked my opinion on things and I have even been the top affiliate for some of his best known products.
We have made some great money together
And ya...We are friends.
It's a friendship I treasure dearly.
When I was going through rough times Ray was one of the few "big dogs' that didn't abandon me or forget the contribution I had made to his business.
He and his wife Jess checked on me and had me as a guest at events...
And YES...They kept me on their speaking roster when others had dumped me.
And most recently when I was scheduled to speak at The first ever Rank Makers Live event last year and my daughter landed in the hospital Ray and Jessica were the first people to send flowers.
And I am proud to call them friends and colleagues.
So why am I embarrassed you might ask?
I went from the person who people came to for advice to the person needing help from their friends for a while.
I'm back now and perhaps better than ever but alas...
I fell.
We all fall sooner or later.
Mine was late.
At 50 years old I had to discover myself again.
And I DID.
So when Ray asked me to share some of my best Email Marketing Secrets at Rank Makers Live this year it meant more than ever.
Covid has messed with all of us.
But Ray wouldn't let it stop Rank Makers Live..
He just figured out a bigger and better way to do it and you are not even gonna believe the experience he has lined up for us.
The dates are October 8th through 10th and you can watch from your living room, dining room, home office or even your toilet if that's your jam!
(A person's gotta do what a person's gotta do!)
Check out the lineup HERE
And I have something INCREDIBLY special for folks who buy through THIS LINK
I am securing a few things for it right now so I am not at liberty to tell you just yet but I will say that you will be SUPER BUMMED if you get your ticket anywhere else!
The ticket is $97 and what I am going to give you is worth WAY MORE.
And I mean WAY.
But I will have to reveal that tonight
But you want to grab a ticket NOW.
In fact...
If you are one of my LOYALISTS that gets a ticket today while you can't see what it behind curtain #3 I will DOUBLE UP your bonus.
That's how serious I am.
People have paid me BUCKS for that but I am giving it to you because
More news on the event tonight but for now...
GO HERE and fork over 97 buckaroonies so you can run with my crew.
Yes...I am embarrassed because I got knocked down and the people who were behind me moved ahead of me.
At times I even felt like a failure.
But then I look around and remember...
And I have been a part of so many successes over the years.
And I am ready to be a part of MANY MORE with the projects I have coming up.
One(or TWO) of which you will be getting as my GIFT when you get your RankMakers Live ticket
And maybe...just maybe...the next person I help that surpasses me will be YOU.
You never know....right???
I for one believe it's possible.
Hit me back and let me know you got your ticket so I can put you on the list for your mystery gifts.
And just wait until you see what you are getting!
You're gonna freak out!
Ok....Off to enjoy my sunny afternoon.
See ya,
Your Not As Embarrassed As I Thought I was Friend (and maybe advisor)
P.S. I know..I know...I am asking you to buy a ticket and not telling you what you will get.
And if you buy tonight you will actually get TWO things.
And ya...
I am not telling what they are.
The question is...are you willing to roll the dice?
If you are not then you don't know me very well!
Anyone who knows me has already clicked!
And just in case you already have a ticket and are grumbling go ahead and buy another and I will show you something cool to do with the extra.
TRUST me you will squeal when you hear about your gift.
Even if the second ticket becomes a give away for you it will be well worth it!
More details tomorrow ...but get the DOUBLE DIP you have to buy by
the time I reveal the goodies tonight.
After that you get the one awesome thing....
Not two.
You can only get two NOW before I announce.
The only question is...
Are you a gambler and do you believe in the generosity and kindness of others?