~A commodity is a basic good used in commerce that is interchangeable with other goods of the same type ...
For as long as I have been in the game I have watched marketers chase after the newest thing trying to be FIRST with a new product or service.
And back in the day they really could score as direct sales companies often were the first ones to create a product category in the marketplace.
And in the 90s and early 2000's a category creator could hold the ground for quite a while earning vast profits simply because they were THE ONLY ONE that had it.
Same with social media...if you were first with a new technology like I was with video you could really score....become a big name.
But over time everything becomes COMMODITIZED.
In laymens terms...
It becomes A DIME A DOZEN.
In 1985 shakes were new.
Shakes are now on the shelves of every grocery store around the world.
In the 90s all the juice programs were HOT.
No one had ever heard of acai or mangosteen.
Today you can get it anywhere for a fraction of the price.
With social media back in 2004 a blog was revolutionary and they were charging a fortune to create you one.
Today anyone who can follow simple directions can make one in minutes.
Video??? In 2005 revolutionary and people became overnight stars.
Almost FIVE BILLION (yes...that's a B) videos are watched on YouTube alone a day,
Like I said..
Dime a dozen.
Back in the day if you had a book or a course you were a king
Today novices build products and use formulas to self publish in their first months.
If you thought any of these things would make you successful ...
Think again.
It's not abut a photo shoot, or fancy graphics or video bumpers, or branding courses of any of the stuff people are peddling to you...
And now a days a lot of the people who are peddling have little to no experience but DAMN if they don't look fancy with all this stuff
So what DOES make you successful?
Bottom line...
It's YOU learning to communicate in ways that make people want to buy from you.
And once you have that down you can lay that on top of any of those fancy things and you will go even further but if you don't get the core down the rest is just icing on a cake that is not very tasty.
And let's face it...
If you buy a beautiful looking cake and you take a bite and the cake isn't good...
Are you ever going to buy again?
And isn't what you are after long term customers and recurring income?
I thought so.
This is why everything I teach is based on core skills and fundamentals that NEVER change.
Go learn the sexy move of the week elsewhere.
I am your hook up for LASTING profit skills.
And a major skill you want to have under your belt is building a list and communicating with it.
And during the month of September I am taking a group and running a workshop where we will write every day learn a skill that will last your whole career.
We're starting the Tuesday after Labor Day and we will have a lesson every week day during September and we'll have the weekends to keep practicing.
This is a workshop...
That means you will learn and DO.
Have you heard?
DOING is the key to MASTERY!
And DOING with GUIDANCE lets you learn a skill FAST.
The whole thing will be run in a Facebook group and then the videos will be transferred to a portal so you can access it long term so you can review it anytime you like.
Each day I will give you lesson and a task and each day you will execute and get hands on help with your work.
By the end of the month you will know EXACTLY what to do to have a profitable list that pays yu OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
Are you investing in things that will soon be COMMODITIZED or are you investing in things that will enhance the only thing that can NEVER be commoditized...
That thing is YOU.
The workshop is only $150
It's hands on and will show you how to take YOUR VOICE and turn it into CASH
Don't let 2020 be the lost year.
Let it be the year you found your voice and figured out that people will pay to BE WITH YOU.
Have questions?
Hit reply.
But I'll tell you...
Most of the time when people have questions they are just negotiating with themselves about whether they should do this.
Do you really need me for that process?
You KNOW you need to learn this.
It's HIGHLY reasonable and your teacher is a 7 figure earner who has been down this road.
When are you ever going to have a better opportunity?
Sign up HERE
Diane "Not A Commodity" Hochman
Resident Wordsmith That Types 90 Words A Minute With only 30 Errors A Second!