So many people get excited when I show them how simple
it can be to build a profitable email list.
They get the autoreponder...
They set it up.
They write one letter or two and then they abandon it.
Then they come back a few months or a year later and say...
I wish I had built that list...
I'm gonna do that now.
They get excited ...they do it for a couple of weeks and again they
abandon it.
And then of course there are the people who have known me for 5 or 10
or even more years who literally sob over not having built a list when I told
them to back in the day.
I find this to be a very interesting phenomenon so I wanted to ask you about it.
What have you found to be the hardest part about building a list?
I am developing some resources for folks and I want to be sure I am
barking up the right tree.
What do you need the most help with?
Is it seeing the value in building the list?
Is it setting up the technology?
Is it getting subscribers?
Is it knowing what to write?
Or is it something else all together?
Help me help you by hitting me back and letting me know your thoughts.
I TRULY want to help you with this.
A list would change your business forever.
And in so many ways SET YOU FREE.
I am determined to help as many people as possible build one.
Over my TWENTY years in the game it has been the most
important thing I have ever done.
Living The List Lyfe is the epitome of the picture that was painted for you
when you joined the industry.
Ya just gotta grab it!
And the rest will be YOURS.
Make sure you write me back.