I just won a trip to Hawaii.
Two weeks ago I won a Mac Book.
Am I telling you this to brag?
I am telling you this because I want to help you understand something
that most people in the home business space just don't get
If you really want to recruit on demand and make lots of
money and win all the prizes you need to go to the next level.
Chasing people all day is fine when you are just starting out.
You have to learn to talk to folks and it's an important skill to have.
But once you learn that skill it is time to go to another plane.
Because you know perfectly well that you can't make the cut if you
need to spend your days starting awkward conversations with strangers.
Or worse yet pestering the people you DO know.
That is not how I do what I do.
And except for the rare few who have the gift of gab it's not
how most top producers do it either.
They do it through leverage.
In my case it's specifically this very email list that you are looking
at right now.
Here we are....you and I all cozy...
I am telling you a story and you are reading it.
You can see me in Maui sitting by the ocean playing my new mac...
Can't you.
You can see me sipping a Mai Tai and enjoying the ocean view.
And yet at NO point did I ever need to pester you or hype you to
buy anything from me.
Did I?
You woudn't be reading this now if you felt I was trying to sell you.
You read it because you either like my stories or you want to learn
how it is that I make mon.ey pretty much effortlessly while everything
else is working like a dog...
I call this Living The List Lyfe and it is the focus of my forthcoming work.
I love ML.M....I'm in one.
I love launches.....I do them.
I love affiliate marketing....I'm a top affiliate at a bunch of places.
It's great.
But I am not any one of these things.
I am Diane.
And I live a LIst Lyfe.
I meet people, I have fun, I share content and info and stories,,,
I teach classes.
And yes....I offer up stuff for people to buy.
But here is the distinction.
I have ZERO attachment to whether or not you buy anything from me.
Cause while it feels all cozy here ...
Just you and me....
At any given time I am making offers to THOUSANDS of people at a time.
And because of that leverage I don't need to beg you for anything.
Which is exactly what I was after.
Once the bills were paid...
Once the kids went to school.
Once the obligation were met...
I wanted to be F.REE,
And you cant be free if you have to pester 20 people on social media
a day trying to get some action.
Just ain't possible.
It's a start...
But it's not THE ANSWER.
I want you to think about that and let it roll around in your head for a bit.
I started out running around town pitching people in parking lots
20 years ago so I get it what it is...
But I quickly noticed that the big dogs didn't do it that way so I
was determined to figure the next level out.
Maybe you are too...
Ad that's why you're here.
If so....
Let's talk soon.
I can help.
And heck...
Maybe we'll even win a trip TOGETHER some time.
That would be a blast!
Nothing better than sipping out of a coconut with a friend.
Don't you think?
Ok....gotta go work on the book.
This is the hardest work for me.
But I have to get this out...
And so I will.
Tropical Hugs!