Before anything else I want to express extreme gratitude to
everyone who responded to my offer yesterday.
It was one of those things that showed up and I just had to go for it.
Normally I would plan better if I am gunning for a promotion but
I wasn't gunning for a promotion until all of a sudden the rank
came in to site and I just had to grab it <3
And as always my community showed up BIG TIME to help me so
now it is time for me to show up BIG TIME for you.
I have preached for 15 years that you need to create a lot of content
but while I was going through my divorce and the aftermath I said
almost nothing for a very long time.
I've decided that THIS SUMMER it's time to get back to creating and
I intend to lay down a ton of free stuff...
Inexpensive stuff and maybe even some premium stuff if
I get my mojo going and I have the right students.
So what I want you to do is HIT REPLY and let me know what you
want to see from me and and I am going to make a big list and
plow through them all.
What are your biggest struggles?
What technology do you want to see demonstrated?
What gets you stuck?
What mindset issues do you have?
Who do you want to see me have conversations with?
Tell me how I can help you and I will do my best to put
something together.
I have A LOT to say :)
Help me say what you need me to say.
And again...
If you are one of the people who took me up on my offer yesterday ...
I will be reaching out to set up an appointment for our one one one.
Super excited about them!
I am at my best when we do a cold appointment where I look at
something with fresh eyes so these one on ones are gonna be HOT!
Have a beautiful night and I look forward to hearing from you.
I'd like to stay I am basking in the afterglow of last night's
accomplishment but I am a forward thinking kinda girl so
my mind is already racing towards...
You tell me :)