If it meant your life would transform COULD YOU
FOCUS for 90 days on developing a set of skills that
could potentially change your life forever?
Most people can't.
It's weird.
We all want a better life.
We all want to know we can create money on demand....
And yet few of us will do what it takes to get that.
And I could sit here and judge or criticize but that would
be pretty hypocritical as there are areas of my life I am far
from mastering that I know I could if I just focused in for 90 days.
What keeps me from doing it?
Programming, self image, family expectations.
All kinds of stuff.
But I learned to stop beating myself up over those things
and I hold faith that when I am ready that not only
COULD I but I WILL find a teacher and focus in and
change my life in those areas
I just haven't been ready yet.
And that doesn't make me a bad person or a lazy person...
It just makes me NOT READY.
Another thing I used to beat myself up over was not being
able to change everyone who came to me for business training's life.
I used to think it was my fault that they didn't ALL get it even though
I have had many go on to six figures and above.
Yet I still somehow thought the responsibility for the others was mine.
That I had somehow failed people.
But then as I worked on me and realized how I was NOT READY
in some areas of my life I got that these folks were not ready to make a
change in the business areas of theirs.
They are not bad people or lazy people..
This is why I NEVER use a sales process in locating people
for my Fab 4 Coaching Group.
I don't sell, or convince or close.
I just look for 4 people who are READY..
I am not after people's money.
I am looking for the people that are looking for me and
I give them a reasonably priced way to learn the process that
took me from a stay at home mom to a 7 figure earner.
I can teach it to you in 90 days IF YOU ARE READY.
I work with a group of 4 people in a Facebook group and
you also get one on one time with me as we craft out your
brand and message.
It's simple and anyone can do it...
I have a group going now that is 24 days in and they are
doing promotion like pros already.
It's been amazing to watch.
So if you are someone who is READY fill out this form and we
can chat.
Pricing is on the form.
Everything is VERY transparent.
No weird sales call.
No messing with your emotions.
I am just looking for people that are looking for me.
I like to start on the 15th so if we have 4 people who are READY
we will begin.
If not...I'll wait.
Because there is nothing worse than trying to convince someone
to take your life's work and use it for themselves.
I will no longer do that.
I have made it reasonable, accessible and doable...
And if not...
That's ok...
And I love you for where you are.
And I have many other options for you to hang out with me
for a few bucks a month.
But this one...
Is for the Fabulous Four that are READY to go from
novices to pros in 90 days.
If that's you fill out THIS FORM and let's chat.
P.S. I learned some cool internet stuff today that I am practicing.
if I figure it all out (you know me with tech) I will come out and show you.
In the mean time here is a super awesome promotion live I did
the other day.
I showed all kinds of stuff I do with graphics etc.
It's long but you can fast forward around.