By all right's I have what everyone wants...
I have spent the last TWENTY years working from home.
Bringing up my kids...
Making their lunches...
Going to their plays, games and concerts.
I dropped them off at college which I paid for cash....
And then I spent my days wandering the world working with
who I wanted, when I wanted and where I wanted.
First class all the way...
Champagne upon boarding
Gigantic suites and penthouses...
The works.
I stood on stages, received awards....
Earned cars and trips...
I even got some bejeweled tiaras and a couple of those
Publisher Clearing House type humungo checks!
Pure fantasy if you were to ask most people.
But I lived it.
So let me ask you a question.
Should I have to sell people into working with me?
Should I have to convince someone to invest a couple of bucks to
be on one of my teams or $2500 to spend three months with me?
I did all this from my home, in my slippers and fuzzy robes and ratty
I did it with no employees, very few ads and no outsourcing.
Once I learned all the fundamentals I did it in just a few hours a day.
Should I have to make funnels and do "discovery calls" and
"find your pain" and all that stuff that they teach in sales circles?
Should I have to shame you or make you feel bad for your lack of
progress or cheer for you if you do a tenth of what is really required
to make it just to keep you on a monthly billing cycle?
I don't know.
I'm not sure I should have to...
After all...
I have the cookie...
Don't I?
You tell me?
Do you want to be sold?
Or do you want to work with a person who has done
what you want to do and that can show you how to do it?
There's a zillion people out there who will tell you what you want to hear
to get your money.
I am not one of them.
There are options from $1 up to thousands to work with me depending
on the level of contact you would like to have.
And yet people STILL want me to close them because they can not
seem to make a decision.
I ain't gonna do it.
I'm not going to close you...
I'm not going to convince you.
I'm not gonna tell you if I think it's for you.
I'm not gonna sweeten the pot and add bonuses and throw in
I'm not gonna sing you a lullaby as I reach into your wallet that you
left on your night table as you watch my video sales letter at 2 am.
I'm not gonna HYP NO TIZE you into giving me money.
I'm not gonna wave the flag, stir your passion or tell you that you
are not living up to your potential.
What I am going to do is RESPECT YOU.
And see if perhaps you actually RESPECT YOURSELF enough
to want to work with someone who is not working you.
Nuff said.
P.S. If you want options...let me know you're budget and I will
let you know what I've got for you.
My Fab 4 group is an imminent sell out so if you are interested in
working 4 on one with 6 hours of one on one included for an incredibly
reasonable price fill out the application HERE right away.
And I wasn't kidding.
There are options as low as $1 to have access to my 20 years of
marketing experience.
So if you are not reaching out to me...
You just don't wanna.
And that's cool.
Everything in it's time.
In YOUR time.
And when it's YOUR TIME I hope I am still teaching
as I would VERY MUCH like to help you go where
YOU want to go.