Two Years ago I created a training that promised to take someone
from novice to rock star in 90 days.
Thousands of people saw it and everyone oohed and ahhhhhed.
Most just moved on and that was that.
You know how it is when you watch a training.
Sounds incredible but then you go to bed...get up the next
day and forget what you learned.
Pretty normal.
But a FEW people executed what I taught them and they went
on to become extremely successful.
And I've always been very proud of that but didn't think much of it...
That was...
Until the other day.
I have a friend who really needed to get some traction in their business
and they were going around in circles with stuff.
I explained the concept to them and started to coach them
through the first process...which they resisted and first but
them BOOM...They got some leads and they went...
My focus was to get them to develop the habit of promoting
WITHOUT worrying about what to say or how to say it like
most methods require.
Once they stopped thinking so much and started just DOING
everything changed and they started to see THE PATH.
While I was doing this I thought to myself...
I have ALWAYS known that this process worked.
It is EXACTLY how I learned.
But people just need to be coached while doing it or their
mind gets carried away telling them all the reasons why it just won't work.
Let me ask you this?
How long have you been trying to figure this out?
Can you imagine taking 90 days working with a mentor and
going from novice or mid level marketer to a full tilt pro?
Can you imagine being one of a crew of 4 students who are learning this
together hand in hand with the top earner of a major company?
Conquering this once and for all?
If so...
Now if you opportunity because I am on a mission to
PROVE that this process works and can work for
anybody who is dead serious about earning a living from home.
I begin May 15th and this inaugural group will get more attention
that any group after this will ever get as I will be decoding this process
and turning it into a course from the experiences we have as a group.
This way I can make it available to everyone...not just the people who
invest in a close up live mentorship experience.
But of course....coaching and mentoring clearly makes all the difference
and right now I am offering THAT experience.
I am only taking 4 people and YES...there are cool bonuses and the
like that go with this but that is just the gravy.
What it really all comes down to is...
Have you been praying for something like this?
Have you been chomping at the bit for some real hands on instruction.
Can you follow simple directions and hold yourself accountable
to take the required daily actions.
Are you ready to overcome obstacles you have let hold you back?
Do you enjoy my teaching style?...(If not..this is NOT for you!)
It's gonna be pretty amazing and I am dying to find just the
right people for this pilot. costs a few bucks...
But for 90 days mentorship from a 7 figure earner...
Not so much at all.
Look around.
You ain't gonna find this ANYWHERE.
So if you are already looking to sign up go HERE
and fill out the application.
I will be reaching out to people first come first serve.
Serious inquiries only.
I'm not fooling around here.
I am actually doing this as we speak for a client and it is
truly amazing how simple it can be to build an amazing
business if you are willing to check your ego at the door and
follow a process that you will 100% think is stupid at first.
Trust me...
But if you play along long enough you will come to see
the beauty of the method.
So that's that.
We FINALLY have a nice day here in Connectitcut.
Gonna take a walk and enjoy the weather
Excited to see who my next rockstars are.
Imagine where you could be by fall.
Never been a better time to become highly visible than NOW.
Let me know if you want to play.