Back when I started out in the industry there was very little material
about how to succeed working from home.
Training was hard to come by.
The internet was new and there were only a few books out there
on all the stuff one needs to know to make it in this game.
Most were about ML.M basics.
How to make a list and all that jazz.
There was basically nothing about how to THINK like
a business owner.
Today I know that was because M.LM top dogs didn't really want'you thinking at all...
They wanted you DOING.
Doing the stuff that they taught you to do to build their empires.
No one was teaching you about branding....
No one was teaching you about finance.
No one was teaching you about leadership.
It was just make a list and pester your friends kind of stuff.
But me...
I longer for more.
And more I found.
Training....well training is a dime a dozen.
There are literally hundreds of people teaching the trainings I
originally put together back in 2005 to 2010.
I have had thousands of students go through my camp and
tons of them now call what I taught them their own.
And that is fine.
We all put our own spin on the source material and teach the people
who are meant to learn from us.
But man have things changed!
Back in the day there were maybe 5 men teaching stuff
and now a days everyone fancies themselves a trainer.
That would have never flown back in 1999!
So today information is widely available.
Training is a dime a dozen.
But one thing is still a big deal for me.
And that is A Mastermind.
The kind where people share ideas and help one another.
Where they combine minds to create something greater.
So when my old pal and industry legend Mike Dillard announced he
was starting a mastermind called Revvenue to help people during 2020
I jumped in immediately.
I paid one THOUSAND dollars to be a part of it as I knew it would pay
me back many times over from the connections I would make.
And the first month in the mastermind has not been a disappointment at
all as I have met some very high caliber marketers who have brought
me great value.
It's a pretty exclusive group.
So last week I was shocked when Mike wrote and said he had decided
to change his plans for the group and do something pretty radical.
And tomorrow is the day he is set to let the secret out.
Let's just say that you want to hear what he has to say.
So if you are not already on the list to hear from him you
can get on it HERE
I was shocked when I heard what he is up to and I think you will be too.
And because of this tomorrow I will be making some announcements of my own.
If you decide you want to be involved BE SURE you connect with me BEFORE
you make a move or you could be left out on something special I have up my
To me...a good mastermind is EVERYTHING.
It's about combining resources in way you CAN NOT get from training.
It's about collectively working towards helping each other's businesses
as a posse....a crew....a collective.
And that is what you are looking for.
Ok...I am gonna go to bed...
It's late.
Be sure you are on that list.