If you frequent social media at all and you are in the business space
no doubt by now you have seen ads for Mike Dillard new program
He is adding funding members to the new site that is not highly populated
just yet but new people are joining every day.
And then on Monday he opens the gates for promotion by affiiates.
I just wanted to send you out another note to just say
Don't come crying to me when you see what i am offering on
Monday as a BONUS for people who buy membership to his
mastermind via my link which I will send out then.
Depending on when the link is available I will be out on every outlet
talking about WHY I joined this and why you should consider buying it too
if you have fundamental skills and you are not ready to take your
business to a new level.
To make true confessions I have to tell you that the biggest mistake in
my career was deciding to figure out how to run a proper business AFTER
I was making a lot of money
I screwed myself big time by thinking I could figure it out on my own
versus running with other professional business owners who have
more experience than me.
I let my ego get the best of me and I THOUGHT I knew.
And I fu&k*d up.
Cost me a boatload of money and many sleepless nights.
So running with people with more experience than you have is
critical as you are transitioning to a more serious business.
Trust me now or say I told you so later...
Don't be like me.
And because I believe in this project SO MUCH I am giving away the farm
to my loyal folks who feel this is a fit for them.
I've been dreaming about doing something for a whiie.
And frankly I've been a chicken.
But now is the time to JUMP so I can help you more than ever.
So go ahead and get it now if you can't wait.
But don't come crying to me next week!
Nuff said.
And hey...
If you are not intermediate or advanced I have something for you too.
Just starting out and need to learn to talk to people for your business?
We have a special challenge coming up for you and when you sign up for $1
you get to be in my private group and ask me ANYTHING about business.
Plus a live challenge and daily coaching from a team of top marketers.
Plus unlimited Facebook group access to me!
Sign up here....
And if you were even part of this program in the past PLEASE
contact me BEFORE you sign up to avoid complications.
This is a stellar deal for beginners and the budget minded.
Take advantage of it!
Ok...I am just figured out that it is Friday so I am thinking of making dinner
and watching a movie.
If you have any good suggestions...SHOUT!
And if you need me at all this weekend let me know.
It's not like I'm going anywhere!
See you later...