I love the home business industry and Network Marketing.
They are why I am here today.
But I DO NOT love the three ring circus that tends to
surround it and the "get rich quick" crowd that tends to
frequent the biz op space.
I decided long ago that I was not of that and
because of that decision I have risen to the top
of the pack and earned some significant money
over the years.
I didn't want to be just another statistic...
Road kill from a space that eats so many alive.
And based on my desires to have a REAL business I have
taught principles of having an entity you can control for many
years now.
I know lots of people have roamed through the home business
industry dipping their toe and sporting the fantasy of working from
home and that is cool but the last month has really changed the
game and of course you now have to decide if you want to change
how you are playing it.
That's why I have been talking about Mike Dillards new mastermind
Revvenue and also some new things I am personally up to.
It's time to move on up....
If you want to that is.
Mike has put something truly timely together for BUSINESS OWNERS
and people who are developing businesses right now.
And I am putting something together that will give people a big shortcut.
We were supposed to have some news for you today but it's
not quite ready just yet.
Which is ok as it will give you a few days this week to contemplate
if you are ready to go to the next level.
I'm not sure I was myself.
But when the pandemic hit I realized that I needed to get dead serious.
Maybe you do to.
The playing field has changed.
The game has changed.
So I have to change.
Do you?
If so maybe we can help each other out on the path.
So there's no news yet but there will be SOON.
Stay tuned.