I just got off a video get together with my family.
Aunts, uncles, cousins, kids...
The whole clan
(Except for my mom and dad who won't touch anything electronic)
We haven't seen each other since my aunt's funeral last spring.
It only took a pandemic to get us together....
Crazy right?
Life takes over and the next thing you know you haven't told the
people that mean so much to you that you love them.
I'll be truthful...
Before my aunt died I hadn't seen that side of the family in years.
So this time I decided I just didn't not want to see my family and
invited them all to bring their favorite beverage and join us on a ZOOM.
They were all so excited that we could bee together.
It was a rousing success...
So much so that they asked to do it again!
Made me really happy.
And I wanted to make sure that you knew about the offer
I sent out a while ago for Working Live which includes a FULL
Zoom account for only $10 a month
(not an affiliate deal...just sharing to help people)
Yes...it is an indispensable tool for business but it is also an amazing way to
see your family during this crazy period.
I know that getting together meant the world to my aunt who lives alone
Who do you have in your life that could use some fun?
No limits on the number of people....no time limits...
And for business you can use it to LIVE STREAM to Facebook
and Youtube and to run webinars.
It is a slam dunk deal
You can get it HERE
The password is special
Don't let another day go by without telling the people you love that you care.
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
And next time my aunt is gonna show us all the old
family pictures of my grandparents.
I'm excited for my kids to see them.
So as horrible as this pandemic is...
It is bringing my family together.
Hugs to you and your family...