It's my first time!!!
I love when I get to visit a new state for the first time.
I dig seeing all the differences in culture...
The different types of food, people, places....
So cool!
My last new state was North Carolina and now Arkansas.
Being from Brooklyn, NY I really LOVE the down home feeling
of these areas.
Being from Brooklyn, NY I DO get a little antsy at the speed of things at times.
I suppose I could get used to it though as the folks are just all so nice!
As of today I am up to 29 states.
I am gunning for all 50.
Who knows....maybe I'll be coming to see YOU soon!
So what brings me to Arkansas???
Well I have been working on an internet project with my dear friend
and industry legend Lisa Grossmann and she has been asking me to
come to her lake house...
So here I am.
It's a beautiful retreat and I am looking forward to getting a lot done.
And here's what's cool.
I've become VERY inspired about documenting my business and everything I do
over the course of 2020 so no doubt I ill be giving folks an inside look of what is
going on down here.
I also did an experiment last month that went incredibly well....
I ran a group where I took my customers and team members and
showed them every day what I was doing to build my business.
Results are still pouring in but I basically showed them how I brought in
well more than 5 figures in NEW business.
People were freaking out seeing just how simple your business can be.