What you chase will elude you.
Very simple law.
You chase love you remain single...
He chase a dog ...he runs faster....
You chase money....you stay broke.
The secret is to STAND STILL and bring what you want TO YOU.
Right now people are scared.
This has always been a space full of desperation and
delusion amongst the many that attempt.
A space of trying to make money quick and jumping
to the newest shiny object to make that happen.
Come on...admit it...
You've played that game.
We all have in one way or another.
But now we are on the brink of economic times like we have
never known
I predict we have 90 days until the tale is told.
So RIGHT NOW you need to make the decision as to whether
you are gonna chase ...
Whether you are going to become a ROCK ...
Or whether you are going to just LAY DOWN.
If you chase the money will elude you.
If you become a rock you can draw it to you.
And if you lay down you guarantee your failure.
What's it gonna be?
And who will your teacher be?
Would you believe I offered my group one on one sessions for this week
and only ONE person said they MIGHT want to do one???
As Jim Rohn said....
Person after person wants to learn to make money...
They have access to a seven figure earner with 20 years of experience
They are offered a FREE session because they are one of my customers and
they aren't sure what they want to work on....
That's laying down.
And then of course there are the people who come and go
to the hottest and newest thing and when they fail they come
back to my doorstep wanting to come in...
That's chasing.
And then there is the ILLUSIVE ROCK.
I've found a few in my years in the game.
Taught them up and set them free.
And now they make a living and understand HOW to survive
what is coming.
And call me crazy but I don't want to jack you for all your
money to come learn from me...
I've been here in the background quietly out earning most of
the cats out there and yet the "coachy" crowd keeping giving
their money to people who can't recruit their way out of a paperbag
and who are barely earning four figures for the month.
Or maybe they are the fancy types so they go drop a cool $50k
on "coaching" with a person they get to personally speak to for a
half hour a month.
Let me know how that works out.
And YES...
I am on a roll and trying to wring this list out and get everyone gossiping.
We are in a period that I can not afford to fool around.
I need to make a living.
You need to make a living.
The only thing that will hold us up are our skills.
Our words...
Our communities.
And I am circling the wagons.
Closing the borders.
You wanna stay or you wanna go?
Your choice....not mine.
But I warn you..
These letters will get stronger and stronger.
My voice will get louder and louder as I sound the alarm.
No more pretending.
No more head patting.
You playing?
Or are you laying???
Let me know.
I have a place for you in my camp.
Ways to get paid by next week
Skills and options and environments.
And TOOLS....
Did I mention tools????
Sleep now and be sorry later.
Very sorry.
Don't say I didn't tell you.
I'm your buddy.
I love you.
But I ain't gonna die trying to save you.
I must live to ride again.
It's the Cowboy Code.
And I'm looking for people that wanna come with.
But be clear.
Not pontificate on Facebook or dance on Tik Tok
You need to have your nose in a book...
Your ear on a tape...
Your eyes on a video
And your fingers on a keyboard.
Me entiendes??
You got me?
<not lady like...I know>
But utterly necessary right now.
You'll thank me later.
Or not.
(Shout out to the people who say they don't read long copy...this mutha is getting LONG)
(Shout out to my lurkers who think I lost my words....How ya like me now?)
(Shout out to all the ones that came through my camp and did NOTHING. You'd be surprised at what you actually DID learn if you came back and linked arms now)
(Shout out to all my team members now who talk the good talk but in reality are not trying..I LOVE you and I challenge you to STAND UP....I'm here. I'll catch you if you fall)
(Shout out to all the people who think they don't know what to do and what to say....YOU KNOW YOU DO....SAY SOMETHING)
(Shout out to all the people who have given me their "tips" over the years about what is wrong with my talks and copy....How Youse Doin?????)
As Frankie said...
I gotta be me!
Who knew it would take a freeeken PANDEMIC to wake me up and get me to
put on my tights and cape again????
Who knew I would go EPIC on your asses and start writing like I used to?
Who knew I would get sick and tired of the bullshit out in the marketplace and finally
Even the letters they are sending to you to try to sooth you are ridiculous.
People are losing their jobs...
People are dying...
And they're trying to hype you up.
Aren't you sick of it?
If you're not...
This is not the list for you.
Go to the lolipops and rainbows people.
They'd love you.
Scroll down...
Snowflakes unsubscribe NOW
I am done CHASING.
For what you chase ELUDES you.
I want those that want ME and no one else.
That is all.
I am complete...