After a disaster you mourn.
After you mourn you come to accept.
Once you accept you REBUIILD.
That's where I am...
When you finally accept what has happened and decide to REBUILD.
A couple of years ago my life changed dramatically.
I spend a very long time mourning.
I was in the very fortunate place of having a list and
residual income so I had the luxury of not having to work
which was good because I basically had NOTHING TO SAY.
I had no desire to sell anything.
No desire to sow into anyone one.
I was just licking my wounds and wondering if a day would ever
come when I wanted to use my words again.
After much time....That day has come.
Which is AMAZING.
But when the dust cleared and I took a look around I realized
that much of what I had built over many years was GONE.
Time had gone on without me.
Business had moved forward.
The people I had taught had soared and were off doing their own things.
And my circle of influence and list had gotten MUCH smaller.
I did EXACTLY what i always tell you not to do.
And now its time to start again.
And start from GROUND ZERO.
So I am doing some Spring Cleaning...
Cleaning my Facebook...
Cleaning my list and cleaning out my mind and heart.
Cause I am am starting CLEAN.
As if I was brand spanking new.
Yes...I still have nice residuals.
Yes..I still have great contacts.
Yes I still have my skills.
But I am out for new MINDS and new HEARTS.
So this is my invitation to you to DIG IN WITH ME or to LEAVE.
I'm about to delete everyone who has not been opening
with warning and if you did open but you are not really into
my vibe it's time to part ways....
As friends of course.
Chances are I'll annoy you anyway as there will be A LOT of emails.
A LOT of training.
A LOT of noise from me.
And as I always say...
I'm looking for people who are looking for me and I am about
to go get a whole lot of new peeps for round these parts.
I'd love to have you with me.
But if what I'm up to is not for you...
Just scroll down and unsubscribe.
It's all good <3
But if you have decided that 2020 is your year...
Let's roll.
I am standing at GROUND ZERO.
Ready to rise from the ashes.
Like the PHOENIX.
And I am documenting every last spec of it.
Because I know SOMEONE's life will be changed by it
Maybe even yours.
With all my love....
Diane "The Phoenix" Hochman
From the ashes she rose to fly higher than ever before~