It's everything.
And yet so few people give it much thought.
They call it affiliate marketing for a reason.
It is YOU deciding if you want to affiliate YOUR NAME and
YOUR BRAND with their brand and product to create a joint
venture and profit.
And yet so few people stop and think about what they are going to sell.
All they care about it making a buck so off they go down yet
another spam path trying to convince someone...ANYONE to buy
ANYTHING so they can make a dolla...HOLLA?
Well no.
There isn't any hollering because 96.2 percent of the time
not a dime is made.
Not by the company with the product and not by the person
trying to hawk a product on an internet corner.
The AFFILIATION is not profitable or even worthwhile.
Or perhaps worse...
You have a solid brand and you don't think about who you affiliate
with so you end up selling substandard stuff to your precious audience
thus crushing the way they perceive you.
<Happened to me....SUCKS!...Trust me.>
Affiliation is everything.
Affiliation also works with relationships and exposure.
Who you hang out with tells people so much about you.
Are you rubbing elbows with top dogs or hanging around
with the hand wringers and worryworts because that's your comfort zone?
You need to think about it and think about it seriously.
Every stage I ever got on was due to AFFILIATION.
Every leg up I ever got was due to AFFILIATION.
Favor is given to those that AFFILIATE and PERFORM.
Don't know what FAVOR is?
Look it up.
And then AFFILIATE where the FAVOR is and watch how fast you can go!
Speaking of affiliation...
I have a started a new organization.
We are closing in on 500 members.
It's and it can help you get your head on straight for the new year.
We happen to be meeting tonight if you wanted to join us.
8 pm est.
It will be broadcast on my Facebook wall but its better if you
join the GROUP.
You need to fill out the questions or my watch dogs won't let you in!
What are you affiliating with?
Who are you affiliating with?
Are you doing the work to get noticed?
Are you ready to receive FAVOR?
My mentor asked me those questions.
Changed my life forever.
And now it is my turn to change yours....
That is...
If you wanna <3
See you tonight!
Goddess of Goodness and Love All Around