Hey Hey...
I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving.
I went over to my mom's and hung out with my two kiddos
which was nice.
But before the weekend ended I wanted to send you out a couple
of CRAZY deals I came across that might be of interest to you.
I know that Black Friday and the weekend had been a bombardment
of offers and I don't want to be THAT GIRL but these are ones the I
personally grabbed so you know they are good!
And ya....some of these I will earn some money if you grab them...
Others I won't make a dime on...
Just passing the info along.
So the first one I have mentioned before and people are going NUTS for it.
Full featured zoom accounts for only $10 a month including webinars
and live streaming to Facebook and Youtube.
Check that out HERE
The password is special
This is the best deal I have found all year.
The next one is my favorite video editor at 35% off.
I make so many of my promo videos with this.
Check it out HERE
You can sign up for a free account or if you want
this special on royalty free images.
Incredible pictures to use for all your graphics at
an incredible price.
Check out the deal HERE
I use pics from here all the time.
So those are my top three picks.
If you found anything awesome I'd love to hear.
I'm always up for a deal!
OH...and I almost forgot.
You probably know I joined marketing company and have been
quietly building a team...
If you had any interest in talking ab out that let me know as
they have some CRAZY specials going on util tomorrow and you can
also start earning your way to up to $500 in lifestyle bonuses PLUS
a free trip to Jamaica with me!
HIt me back and I will send you the specials to become a customer
and then I can show you how easy it is to go wholesale or become
an associate.
No crazy requirements.
Just great products that work.
I've personally lost 36 pounds so far!
You can try the products any time but right now
you get some great stuff for free so if you had ever thought about joining me
now would be a smart time :)
Ok....there you go...
My Cyber Monday picks.
Have fun!
And I'll see you tomorrow night.
I will be back out live streaming on my Facebook Wall