who just disappears from the face of the earth
leaving everyone in the program high and dry.
Money games all around...
Pyramids that the FTC will never get to...
There are just way to many to ever investigate
and quite frankly very often the owners literally
open the program KNOWING they will shut the
doors before they get caught.
But they SEEMED like they were showing you
It's about to be 2020.
The internet has given us all the means to communicate
easier and faster than any of these guys ever imagined.
The shuck and jive ain't got the draw it once had
and news travels FAST when something or someone
has gone south.
People are in pain.
They came to the industry to change their lives ...
To fulfill their dreams.
But instead they are taken advantage of by gangsters
who pretend to be their teacher but are instead just
sales people in disguise with an agenda to sell and
sell and sell again hoping people stay in confusion
for years on end versus learning the skills they need
to find their way.
And then there is me.
The lil housewife who started by peddling diet pills
from the hatch back of her 1992 Subaru Legacy in the
supermarket parking lot.
All I wanted was to be home with my kids and make some
money to get us out of credit card debt.
I didn't want the cars, the trips or the big houses.
I just wanted to love and be loved.
And I did.
Over time I started to dream a little and contemplated
what it might be like to be a little more financially
What it might be like to go to Disney World or to a
wonderful all inclusive resort.
What it might be like to be able to send my kids to
college cash...
All that good stuff.
And I did.
I met a mentor who shared my values and we
ran a group for people who felt like we did
about life and for 6 years we sat in bliss loving
on people and helping them grow.
When that ended I took to the big stage...
Spoke at all the seminars, graced the covers of 4 magazines,
was on all the podcasts and industry shows...
Those were heady days
I even became the top affiliate out of well over
100,000 in a major company and went on to
pull down the kind of income that people only dream of.
I drove an $80,000 car, sported only the most expensive
hand bags and flew first class.
But all along my heart was still that of the lil housewife
driving my Subaru around...delivering orders...
and loving on people.
The girl who greeted on conference calls saying...
Say your name and where you're calling from...
You know her...the eager one.
The one who took care of everybody.
The one who put the books and tapes in the envelopes
and went to the post office every day and knew all
the folks there by first name.
I LOVE this industry and every single person who
dares to dream about what could be possible for them.
But along the way between all the money and some
personal tragedies I lost track of it all.
I lost my voice....
The very thing that got me to where I had never even
imagined I could go.
For a while the girl who never shuts up had
absolutely NOTHING to say.
It's been a long TWENTY YEARS and in many ways
I feel like I am back at the beginning.
I've come full circle.
All fresh and starry eyed.
And focused on the dream of a day when we all just return
to love and help one another again...
Just like people did back in the day in living rooms all around
the country.
Helping their neighbors make that first $500 that tilted
their worlds forever and building them up to access their
I AM...
The place where we all must go to find our best selves and
step out of the doubt that we live in on a daily basis.
And that is exactly what I am doing.
I want to invite you to step into MY HOME tonight
and hear a talk I have prepared for you about my vision
for the future.
There is nothing to buy...
No hook
No funnel
Just me speaking in to YOU.
Reminding you of who you are and what is possible.
And pouring out all the love and gratitude I have
for everything that has happened to me.
Including gratitude for the bad times that taught me
And ya...
I want to pay it forward.
Something has been bubbling up in me for a while.
Tonight I speak it into existence.
And I invite YOU and anyone you want to bring along.
I promise.
They will thank you.
Meet us at 8 pm est on my Facebook Wall.
I'll be live streaming then.
It's time to RETURN TO LOVE.
Cause maybe...just maybe...
Love is the marketing trick you have been looking for.
See you then,