In case you
haven't heard ..
I'm back in the game.
Been building a team for the first time in a long time
and it has been SUPER fun!
And here is what's cool.
I have not been going nuts trying to recruit the world ...
I have just been at it slow and steady.
And wonder of wonder...
Miracle of miracles...
The volume of the group keeps DOUBLING every month!
It has been so cool to watch.
My mentor always used to talk about ORGANIZATIONAL ARCHITECTURE
The way you BUILD to create a rock solid long term recurring income.
It's actually counterintuitive.
The average marketer seeks to slam in as many people as possible
as quick as possible and then they get all disappointed when no body performs.
I see it every day.
For me...
I seek to take my people and build them into STRONG and CAPABLE
associates with highly believable product and income stories...
And that can take a little time.
But once you have a base of strong associates ...
Let the duplication begin!
It's magical to watch.
Every single day I get notification of new people joining the team.
I have NO IDEA idea who they are.
I don't recognize their names!
And THIS makes my heart sing.
The team is up and functioning and thriving.
It took me 90 days to create the base...
It's flourishing!
And now I shall start with a new Freshman Class and do it all over again!
Leg after leg we build to stability.
Am I the flashiest...
Will I be the quickest to the top rank?
Will I have people throwing roses at my feet?
We can only hope!
But the one thing I know is that I will GET PAID.
And GET PAID over and over and over.
And my guys who follow along will also GET PAID.
Because the process isn't complicated...
You just have to DO IT.
And when I have 3 to 5 people who are doing it and it is duplicating in depth...
Then its time to start with the next crew.
Make sense?
Now I will do another 60 day or so run and build a few more legs
and make this puppy as strong as can be while I help the first group
continue to drive down.
If you have ever worked a Network Marketing company then you know
the importance of depth for stability.
Depth creates STABLE CHECKS!
So that my friend is what I am up to.
I am tickled to watch my volume and income keep doubling.
It's only in the baby stages right now but I KNOW what will happen
if we keep going done the road like this!
Exciting times.
And exciting to do this one more time and help a lot of people!
Makes me super happy!
Know what would make me even happier?
If you are someone I can help learn to do this!
Are you looking for an opportunity right now?
If not...All good...
Stay tuned...
Lots more network marketing education coming your way.
And I am not teaching you in THEORY...
I am actually doing this as we speak and can document the progress.
You don't catch that very often so worth staying as a voyeur.
If you ARE looking...hit reply and get a hold of me so we can talk.
I'd love to help you learn this process as part of my team.
Good times ahead!
And if by any chance you wanted to see the talk I have at
our company convention last week you can catch it HERE
Im so honored that they asked me to speak after just a few months
in the program.
I really let it rip on em!
And they still love this is good!
You know me ...I come from the heart...
And maybe that why I a still here after TWENTY YEARS!
Still loving it and still loving people.
Have a great Saturday night...
(I hear the Bay City Rollers In my head when I type that!)
And of course...if you wanted to connect hit me up.
I could connect with you tomorrow afternoon if you are around.
Speak soon,
And YES...I was a HUGE Bay City Rollers Fan...
Too young to know em?
WATCH THIS fine piece of nostalgia!
And imagine 8 year old Diane in PLAID.
That'll make your day!