You know...
The days you had the best of intentions to work your business
but all of a sudden its 9 pm and you have gotten absolutely
NOTHING done....
Those Mondays after the Sundays when you planned out
your whole week and then you did diddly squat.
And of course when you've done diddly squat on Monday
you generally end up doing diddly squat for the rest of the week.
Just always kind of seems to happen.
That is..
You stack the deck in your favor.
Today I am sitting in Brooklyn New York at the bedside of my
daughter who had a serious surgery recently.
I have had very limited time to work and the work has to be SILENT
as she is resting much of the time.
I have had MANY lost days in the past few weeks.
But I never much have to worry as people didn't even realize
I was missing until I told everyone what was going on AFTER
a successful surgery.
I have done something that I recommend that EVERY social media
marketer does...
Create a library of posts and content that you can use over and
over again and that you can pull out on a LOST DAY so that
you don't lose it!
Then when you realize that you are in a time crunch you just pull out
some old posts, videos, written pieces etc so that you can get your work done
in minutes versus hours.
Creating a library requires consistency on the days when you are working
but if you decide to focus in and really go to work you can have a treasure
chest of content used lickity split.
Here's the delusion.
We think we can not republish anything because the world has
already seen it...
But in reality ...
Even if you are a top notch marketer...
Only a small portion of the marketplace ever sees a piece.
And if someone remembers it...That is AWESOME...
That's means you have developed fans that are following you closely
enough to notice that you posted it again...
Which is super cool.
So if you want the very best business insurance policy you can get...
Create a content library and reuse, recycle and re purpose over
and over again because you can not afford LOST DAYS if you
want to go to the moon...
And I know you do...
Or you wouldn't be reading this...
When I get home watch for me to go to work and do some
webinars teaching about how to do this.
One of the very best things I could ever teach you!
Ok..Back to my recycling although this was a LIVE letter
written from Fulton Street in Brooklyn.
3rd floor...
My kid is resting and I am super thankful for the opportunity to
work from ANYWHERE.
It's been a GOD SEND.
Have a great night....