I was born in 1967.
Entered kindergarten in 1972.
Entered middle school in 1979
And high school in 81.
Back then they didn't know much about learning disabilities
Unless you presented with behavioral issues which
caused them to medicate you...
No one really knew much about how to help you.
If you were bright but could not focus they just
labeled you as LAZY.
If you tested well but could not seem to organize your ideas
into order to write a paper you were wrong.
EVEN if you could do an oral report better than anyone
else in the class on the topic.
It was interesting...
By the time I finished high school I was completely
bilingual in Spanish but my grades were atrocious
because I could not seem to remember where to put
those darn accents on my reports let alone sit myself
down to read a novel in a foreign language.
My SATS were sky high...
My grades were extremely low.
And my self image suffered because of it.
Today I know I have ADD.
And I watched my daughter suffer from it too..
But at least I could get her some help.
Thank God for that...
Because all I got was PUNISHED.
I don't blame my parents though.
They were just doing what good parents did...
Correcting their child...
Or at least they thought.
So why am I telling you all of this?
Because my whole life I was not sure how I
would ever find my path.
I am EASILY disinterested and distracted.
In fact I will tell you that I left the seminar that I was
attending early...
Not because is was no good.
But because I could no longer sit still.
I was bored. Figity.
Just like in 9th grade.
But there was a rainbow in it all.
I got one little idea that gave me permission to run
out of the room and run home to get to work.
And that my friend is how I do it...
I battle my ADD on a daily basis by seeking INSPIRATION.
I'm a terrible reader and yet I am constantly reading several books.
I have trouble sitting for a movie and yet I can lap up
documentaries while I am doing another task.
Pod casts fit into the nooks and crannies of my day and I
am very particular about who I listen to as most people
make me YAWN.
When I go to the events that I speak out you will ALWAYS find
me at the back table wiggling around while I wait for a nugget to drop...
But let me tell you..
When it drops and I get that jolt of INSIGHT and ILLUMINATION
all I want to do is SAY SOMETHING.
And this is how you come to read my letters, watch my live streams
and view my posts.
99% of the time I have NOTHING TO SAY.
So when I have nothing to say...
I go on an inspiration hunt.
And the hunt is what makes me money.
After all those years of doubt and discouragement...
I finally found my way.
My weakness had become my strength.
My boredom became my boon.
My ability to consume information while doing 7 other things
and spout it back out on demand became my livelihood.
I wanted to share this with you today because I just watched a group
of marketers talk about never knowing what to say for hours on end....
And I wanted you to know how Attention Deficit Diane gets it done.
And how you likely have an underlying strength that can help you do the same.
For me it just took decades to figure out that the thing I thought
was my curse was the very solution I was searching for.
Pretty cool....eh?
Just some Caribbean Cruise love for you!
I'm in the Virgin Islands today!
Big Hugs....
Signed ...
The Ever Distracted Diane
P.S. If you have not been catching my lives you definitely
want to be following me on my FACEBOOK PAGE
Putting out some extraordinary stuff.
Not your usual how to get rich on a dollar pitches.
But REAL marketing wisdom.