I just got
cold prospected on Facebook messenger.
Happens all the time and truthfully I don't mind it.
But this particular time I am pretty floored.
A person asked me a leading question.
I answered.
And I told them that I was not interested and thanked them
hoping to perhaps form a relationship for the future.
And then they slapped me with a copy and paste message telling
me why my decision was a dumb one and in the end they called me
You could call me a lot of things....
Maybe some of them things I wouldn't like.
But the one thing I am NOT is a GIRLY.
I am a 52 year old mother of two with 20 years experience in the industry.
I politely responded...told the person I am familiar with their program
and thanked them but told them I was not looking right now like any
polite person might do.
Pretty normal communication.
And then I got the GIRLY thrown in my face.
What the heck are people thinking communicating this way???
They don't read your profile...
Ignore what you say, hit you with a pitch and call you
names when you are not interested?
Is that what prospecting have come to?
Do we as a community not know better than this?
I don't care if it's your very first day in the game...
Do you walk around at the mall and call people GIRLY?
Probably not...
And yet we get on the net and all civility goes out the window.
And then people whine and complain that no one will train them and
I have people tell me that I am unkind to say something when this goes on...
Wel I have one thing to say to that...
Stop believing that someone needs to train people on how
to treat people.
We learned how to do that in kindergarten!
Step thinking that anyone who calls out this behavior is mean or evil.
They're not.
I am certainly not.
I have dedicated 15 of my 20 years in the industry to helping
people with social media communication...
But come on...
What adult out there does not know that you shouldn't call a stranger
Especially when you don't know who you are talking to!!!
We ALL know better than this and I am stinking tired of watching
people act like it is somebody's responsibility but their own to
speak to people with manners and respect while prospecting.
This is not a training problem.
This is a human problem.
And one that I will say something about every time I see it happening.
You can call me mean...
Or you can see me as someone who belives that people are MORE...
And that they KNOW BETTER.
Your choice.
But the one thing I know for sure is that
Diane "Speaks The Truth" Hochman
Someone's Gotta Say It!