Yeah sure...I could have lost a few more pounds but I was the smallest
I had been since I was TWELVE YEARS OLD.
I had worked so hard...
Felt so good and then in one swoop someone's harsh words took it all
away from me.
I started to gain weight.
No matter how much I tried I ballooned and of course selling my product
became harder and harder because I felt like a fraud.
Then one day the universe tilted and I met a man who had taught me
all about marketing via his books and tapes.
He helped with with my business and while he was teaching me I
realized I had a passion for marketing.
I started to learn copy writing and speaking and the next thing I knew
was running seminars with him.
Over there no one cared about my "optimal weight"
They just wanted to learn how to make money online and for
the first time in a long time I felt GOOD.
And here's what's funny...
Because I was doing something I loved and I stopped worrying about it
I started to lose weight again.
I got down even lower and quite frankly...
I felt great, I looked great and I was 100% sure I would NEVER
have a problem again.
In fact...
I can play you tape after tape of me talking about my conquering both
my weight and financial problems.
I was convinced that I had arrived...
And I had.
Until one day my mentor and business partner tried to commit suicide.
Now before you jump...
He's FINE.
But what he didn't know was that he had an illness that was
causing his condition.
That day threw me into a tail spin.
I started to gain weight ...little by little but then faster and faster
as I came to the reality that the business I had built was vanishing before my eyes.
I could show you all the pics and the progression but lets just say
It wasn't pretty.
I went from being one of the most attractive women in the game
(and I am not embarrassed to say that)
To "The Mom Figure"
You know...the fluffy lady who everyone loves to love.
And then of course I went through a divorce which threw me
into another loop and before you know it I was back where I started again.
How the hell could I have let this happen?
I have lost over 100 pounds multiple times in my life and I am ashamed to
say that I was back facing that mountain again until very recently.
After the divorce I was very raw.
I needed help.
Weight was the least of my concerns.
I just needed to keep standing.
I now had to support myself completely and I had no safety net
so staying in tact was the play of the day.
I didn't even think about trying to get the weight off yet.
After speaking with several counselors and psychologists...
I... by sweet serendipity... met a guy who does hypnosis and neuro linguistic programming.
My first reaction was to reject working with him as he was in the industry and
knew a lot of people that I knew.
I was mortified by my situation and didn't want a soul to know.
In fact most people had no idea there was an issue at all because I was
so tight lipped.
I refused his offer for an initial consultation and some time went by.
We ended up on the phone on another business matter months later
and in about 3 minutes I knew this man could help me.
He needed some marketing help so we decided to exchange services.
I have to admit to you...
I was nervous the first time we did a session.
You know...on TV hypnotists turn you into chickens and stuff..
Well....This was NOT that.
It was actually pretty amazing and over the next few months we
attacked a lot of the things that were holding me back.
Truth is that big bold Diane Hochman had turned into a ball of fear and I
was struggling on all fronts of my life.
We turned that around and through these incredible sessions I
little by little found myself again.
And this was GOOD.
So fast forward quite a bit and we decided it was time to start working
on my weight.
Back in the day I wanted to lose weight to be cute....
To be attractive.
But at 52 your reasons change.
You see all your friends around you on medication, people getting
cancer and having heart attacks.
Being overweight is no longer about looks...
It's about whether you live or die.
So I had to get serious.
Now before I go deeper into this...
Let me ask you...
Do you trust it when the universe taps you on the shoulder and
sends you the people. places and things you prayed for?
I do.
I always have
That's how I got here.
Someone bought me a box of products in 1999.
I took them.
They worked
I was invited to an event.
I went.
I started a business.
It worked.
I saw a course that looked cool about having prospects call ME.
I bought it.
It worked.
I started working with a mentor...
He taught me how to GO LARGE.
It worked.
I joined a program all about Attraction Marketing.
I sold it.
It worked.
I met a guy who said he could help me CHANGE MY MIND
I tried it.
It worked.
So here I am...
All bolstered back up.
Feeling stronger than I have in years...
Deciding to work on this weight problem.
We started hypnosis sessions for this and I had success...
It was starting to make a real difference and THEN a whole chain reaction
of events started and like dominoes fall the universe began to tilt.
I was invited to attend a fashion workshop in Beverly Hills with some of the
top women in network marketing.
It was a very expensive workshop and I didn't want someone to pay for me...
It was just too much.
I said NO, NO NO.
Plus I am not exactly a fashion girl so why would
someone want to spend thousands of dollars on my going to this.
They insisted.
I gave in and went.
At the workshop I learned things about myself that stunned me.
It was a spiritual experience.
By the end of the weekend we were all crying.
I had changed.
And then I left there to go to Vegas where I had planned myself a
little working vacation to celebrate my birthday.
I had dinner with my hypnosis specialist and we did a session.
Major break throughs.
Then I had a client on Tuesday and I was at the top of my game.
And then came my birthday.
Now I am sure you know that your birthday on Facebook can be a
CRAZY experience and I normally get tons of wishes which is very nice...
But this time around I got so many PERSONAL notes from people
expressing gratitude for how I had helped them over the years.
It was overwhelming and humbling and I became more and more
dedicated to serving than ever before.
My heart was full and I was just truly overwhelmed with joy and
feeling incredibly loved when a call came.
It was from my friend Angel.
She said she needed my PERMISSION.
I was like "permission for what"
And she basically told me that she wanted to thank me
for having helped her all though her career.
You see she had gone from welfare to millions in just 6 years and
I had always been around to lend a hand...
Not because I needed to make any money from her efforts but because
I saw a beautiful incredible woman who was destined for greatness and
I wanted to help her find her way.
I had given her a hand with her internet marketers,
I had emceed her events, trained her team...
All out of love and affection.
And most recently I had done some translation for her.
I speak Spanish and her company was expanding into Latin America
so of course I helped out when she needed me.
She wanted my permission to place the whole country of Mexico under me
as the company got ready to open the borders and do business with our
neighbors to the south.
She said there were no strings attached...
I just needed to help out as I always had.
Nothing more.
So of course I laughed and said SURE...
I give you my permission and in a moment I was back in network marketing.
Truth is I had no intention of building anything here in the states.
I was going to stick with my affiliate marketing and consulting and of
course help out with Mexico.
But I figured...
If I am gonna have a downline might as well get on the products...
I need to serve and how could I serve if I was not seriously using the
I guess that the old networker in me!
So I started on them.
And I felt a difference IMMEDIATELY.
Talked to my hypnosis guy and he said no harm in adding them if
you like em and so I did.
And withing a few days between the products and the hypnosis I
something dramatically changed in my body.
But more importantly...
Something about me CHANGED and people really started to notice.
And that was cool...
But I STILL had no intention of building here in the states.
I was just gonna take the products and leave it at that.
As I said...
The universe tilted AGAIN.
I received and email from a young woman who lived not far from me.
This girl has seven children and a sick husband.
She told me that God had told her to contact me.
That I was the one to help her.
She had just had problems with her company and had lost her whole income
which she needed to take care of her family.
I immediately replied and jumped on the phone with her.
She was CLEARLY a hard worker and my first instinct was to
connect her with my friend Angel who had been through some of the
same circumstances to go from broke to millions.
I called Angel about her and she said to me...
There you go...
There is your second leg.
I said...
I am not building this.
I already did that in Herbalife.
It's a lot of work.
I am just not in that place.
I do not want to build an M L M.
And then she said...
Tell me you are not going to help a woman with 7 children and a sick husband
when you know how to move millions of dollars in product.
Tell me you are not going to help her.
I stopped...I sighed.
And I knew I had to.
So here I was...
Taking the products, losing weight
With a leg in Mexico and a new person right here local.
But jeez....
If I were to go out there and just declare that people should take the
products and they'll magically lose weight I would just be full of shit.
I know perfectly well that without the proper mind training they would
do fine but then fall.
I do not want to set people up to go through what I have been through..
The boomerang effect.
I have been down the road before.
The change had to come from ME....Not a product.
But at the same time I have been to numerous corporate events and I have
seen first hand the product results.
Person after person changing their health and let me tell you...
These folks were making SERIOUS money.
So I was in conflict until I had an EPIPHANY.
Why not come out of the closet and share my journey.
Why not show you EXACTLY what I am doing INCLUDING bringing you
sessions with my hypnosis master?
Why not create a community and go back and teach people how to
REALLY build an M L M in a product based way to achieve incredible stability
WHY NOT put it all together and open it to the public?
Hypnosis sessions on Weight loss and wellness, hypnosis sessions
on how to overcome your fears surrounding business.
Training from me on how to PROPERLY build an m.lm in 2020 and beyond
combining traditional skills and internet skills???
Why not let EVERYONE come whether they buy something or not.
Maybe you have your own products....Maybe you have your own deal.
That's cool...
Or maybe you are looking for either weight loss or an opportunity right
now and want to check us out.
QUESTION: Do you really think you will succeed without training your mind???
I promise you...
You won't.
I was thoroughly taught about the ideas of mind training many moons ago.
I used it to build my business.
But when it came to my deepest issues I figured out that I just couldn't do it alone.
It was like trying to stand on my own shoulders.
And that is why I have decided to go PUBLIC with this journey.
This will be my last and final time losing this weight as I have been told
by my teacher that if I follow his instructions it will be permanent.
I believe him.
And I know if I let people SEE what I am doing I will have the support I need
to see this through.
And as far as building an MLM again?
I have ranked up twice in a month without even trying so I guess it's just like
riding a bike :)
But for the life of me I want to show people what I do as I am tired of
watching the mania in this business.
The industry has stacked the deck against people who want to make money and they
don't even realize it.
The perversion on an industry has taken place and the over complication
of a SIMPLE process is PURE INSANITY.
99% of what people are being taught out there should not
be done before you have a skill set and a base.
If you have the right product line up and the right marketing building an m l m
is very simple.
If you have the wrong product sequence and the wrong marketing it becomes
virtually impossible for the average guy.
I don't want that to be YOU.
I distinctly recall the day I met a person who rearranged the way I was marketing
and I went from struggling to doing as much as $30k in volume MYSELF (not my
team...just me!) per month.
I exploded.
And so can you.
Your success lies where you are celebrated...not tolerated.
I had no intention of doing this...
But when the universe tells you THIS IS WHERE YOU BELONG...
Well me...
I listen.
When someone loves you back for loving them and gives you a
HUGE opportunity..
I listen.
And when you go to a person who has completely changed your
life with their mind skills and you ask...
Would you partner with me on this and they say yes...
I have been called.
I will now serve.
And maybe you are one of the people I am meant to serve.
We shall see.
So by now you are probably thinking Diane...
Why the heck did you write this long crazy letter as opposed to
just doing a webinar or something???
I was not sure I could say all this without crying.
And I knew if I wrote to my list that only my loyalists would get first access
and then out of all my loyalists only a few would bother to read the whole thing.
So here we are.
You now know how this all happened...
Why I am convinced I am SUPPOSED to do this and that I am
scared shit to let everyone inside of this journey...
But I'm gonna.
Because I am TIRED of all the baloney out there.
I want people to REALLY see what's involved with taking off
weight and getting healthy.
I want people to have the MIND SUPPORT that I have.
I want people to have a community that is most interested in
YOUR GROWTH not our wallets.
This is what I have right now...
A renewed energy and belief in myself.
A product that works..
A mind mentor that can change your life
and an upline and a company that believes in the
same values that I do.
So that is a pretty good package if you ask me.
So from now on when I invite you to trainings and sessions
there will likely be commercials in there for what we are up to.
Nothing to crazy but ya...we will be offering a 7 day trial of the product for $29
and we will be inviting you to join us in business.
If you want a sample now...JUST ASK.
If you have your own product you are using or business you are building...
We honor you and you are 100% welcome.
If we can help you get better results through mind training...
I think you will be stunned by what's possible.
If you need traditional M L M traininng...
PLEASE let me help you.
I was trained by THE BEST OF THE BEST and have recruited
THOUSANDS of people in my day.
I will show you the power of relationships and building in depth.
I will show you how to build something stable versus something
that is obligated to collapse.
I already have a six figure residual so I know a thing or two about this.
In the end...
i am creating a place for FRIENDS who wanna be free.
We can work together...go on paid vacations together and just have FUN together.
That's what I want.
FUN and LOVE and oh yeah...
We'll make some mo.ney along the line!
So there you go...
The Fat Lady Has Sung....
But don't blink because she is shrinking as we speak..
Comment after comment says that I am GLOWING.
I don't know what that means but maybe it just means that for
the first time in a long time...
Surrounded by friends and loved ones doing what I was born to do.
Traveling the world helping people become their highest selves.
And not many get the chance to do that.
Ok...that's enough.
Shout at me if you have questions.
We start our hypnosis and training sessions Thursday.
Come meet Ray.
I PROMISE you will love him.
I do.
He's a very talented guy who has TRULY changed me forever.
Link for Thursday to follow
And YES...
Everyone is invited.
Soul hugs,