Tonight at 9 we are doing a great
webinar for anyone who has had the sensation
of pulling out their spring clothes and realizing that they just don't fit.
The topic is
I'm Fat...Now What??
I will be sharing my weight loss journey and bringing out my
Secret Weapon "The Mind Mechanic" to do a little hypnosis on us.
If you have struggled with losing weight or keeping it off
this may be of interest to you.
If you are connected to me on Facebook you can check out the pics I
posted today of my progress.
Pretty amazing stuff.
And hypnosis has been a big part of it.
If you have never experienced it...
Come tonight and see how it all works.
I will literally be having a session right in front of you.
And NO...
He will not turn me into a chicken...
At least I hope not!!!
Register Here
See you then!
Diane THE CHICKEN Hochman
Bok Bok!