Have you heard about Hamilton...
The Broadway sensation that is SO big that is has multiple
companies touring all over the United States and Europe...
The show that is so big that thousands and thousands of kids
are being taken to see it to learn about our history.
The show that was honored by the Kennedy Center which is unheard of
since you normally need to be old and have done decades of work
before they even consider a nomination.
This thing is HUGE.
And the song that hits you right between the eyes at the beginning of
the show is
I'm Not Throwing Away My Shot.
It's Alexander Hamilton Immigrant son of a whore and a Scottish soldier
realizing he has one shot to change his station in life and he declares that
he WILL NOT miss it.
In his case he knows the revolutionary war would give him a chance to
be noticed...to be seen and to RISE.
In fact there is a part of the song that goes like this:
Rise up!
When you're living on your knees, you rise up
Tell your brother that he's gotta rise up
Tell your sister that she's gotta rise up
So that's what I am doing today...
Telling myself and whoever will listen that it's time to RISE UP.
Don't miss your shot.
I know I wont.
A lot is going on.
I have several new projects going on.
Some you will hear about here very soon.
Others I am keeping closer to my chest.
But bottom line is whether you want to come play with me
or you have something of your own....
Don't Throw Away Your Shot
Don't let it go to waste.
Look at Hamilton...
A guy who in many ways had not shot at all.
And yet he knew that EVERYONE HAS ONE if they just look around.
Even an immigrant son of a whore (those are the lyrics)
And two and a half hundreds years later he is immortalized
on the ten dollar bill.
Heck...he may be sitting in your pocket right now.
What is YOUR WORK?
What will your story be?
Who will tell it when you are gone...
What legacy will you leave?
I am ready to build my next empire.
Kind of excited about it.
And ya...maybe I will fail...
But what if I don't???
And at least when it is my time I can go into that
good night knowing I gave it my all and helped as many people as I could.
Soul Hugs